Neighbor harassment

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New Member
I'm going to start this by letting you know that I am a very bad speller. Read if you will but please be kind about the spelling errors. Please be honest with me but this isn't about my poor spelling.

I have read severl posts and am concerned that there may be nothing we can do with a neighbor harassment issues. I have yet to read a post that actually gives good sound advice but I'm going to throw this out there and see what happens. Surly there is some sort of law that protects the good guys.

I live in a 3 story apartment building. I have lived in this complex for over 10 years and have never had a complaint against me for any reason what so ever. It's been my observation over the years that if you end up with an annoying or unpleasant neighbor they will soon move on like a good ole Texas thunderstorm (Seem terrible when its going on but it really will be okay in the end. Just a few damaged trees). Well, so I thought anyway.

Now, after 10 happy years you can imagine my surprise when police showed up at my door, because the woman downstairs claimed, I was playing loud music and thorowing a party upstairs. I explained to the officer that not only was there no party or loud music going on but that I had actually been asleep. The office still wrote me a citation for noise ordinance violation. I of went to court and the citation was later dismissed but that wasn't the end of it.

The next time I had my boyfriend over, the woman did it again. She called in a noise complaint for loud music and party. Again the officer showed up but this time I didn't answer the door. It wasn't until the next morning that we learned that the office had my boyfriends truck towed when I didn't answer the door. The side mirrors on my vehicle had also been smashed. Because the complex does not have assigned or resident only parking nor does it condone vehicle towing unless illegaly parked, I was reimbursed by the officer (at the request of the property management) for the cost of the towing. I had no real proof for who damaged my vehicle so that could not be prosued. Again, that isn't the end of it.

I requested permission to move away from this crazy woman who keeps calling in false complaints on me and was told that I would have to pay huge transfer fees and pay all my deposits again if I wanted to move to a different unitl. I asked that they come and inspect my subfloor as there must be something wrong to cause someone this much discomfort downstairs. They have not after 7 months of this same type of continued harassment from the woman downstairs been to inspect the floors. I was present in the leasing office when the womany downstairs refused to allow them to enter her unit and witness the noise she continues to complain about.

I have changed my work schedule so I am not walking around the apartment at late hours. I have put down carpet runners in the kitchen and dinning room to try and muffle some of the sound that she might be hearing. I don't even so much as watch TV in my apartment in fear that this might be what the issue is but these false complaints have not stopped.

Last night, when I was visiting at a different neighbors apartment, I witnessed the downstairs woman throwing a ball all the way up to my 3rd floor balcony antagonizing my dog. :no:

Now I have really kept a "kill 'em with kindness" kind of attitude thru all of this but I'm affraid I'm at the end of my rope. PLEASE tell me what I can do. I can't afford to move and the property management is not willing to work with ether of us from what I understand. They really see this as a way to make money on the transfer.

Thank you in advance for any advice or input you might be able to provide.

Yours isn't a legal problem.
Your best bet is to move.
If you don't, this idiot will continue to annoy, harass, and complain about you.
Who knows why?
She might not like the way you part your hair, the color of your boyfriend's truck, or because your dog has four legs.
It doesn't matter to an idiot like her.
Pay the money and move, or risk continuing escalation of this problem.
She won't stop, you must.
So, get your money together and get a new apartment at another complex, or move to another unit in your existing complex.
If not, things are gonna get much, much worse.
There are laws for crimes, but none exist for ill-tempered louts, bullies, or ignoramuses.
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