Neighbor Harassment

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In March of 2004 I moved into a home I purchased. My next door neighbor made friends with my family and invited us over to her home to meet her friends. A few months later I started receiving harassing phone calls from her. Her first complaint was that my son was playing his music too loud that it was making her windows shake. My husband needed to build a garage because his hobby car racing. She called code enforcement on us that we were building without a permit, we were building close to the property line and close to a well. All of this was untrue. The next harassment was when she told another neighbor that one of my children broke his window with a golf ball. She called the sheriff on us for playing our music too loud. The last complaint was recently when she called me on the phone to tell me that sewerage was coming up by my lift station for my septic tank and she was smelling it from her property. I checked my septic tank and surrounding areas and could find nothing. I walked on the street by her property with another neighbor and the stench that she was smelling was from a dead animal someone had thrown in the woods. In the meantime she built a room addition in her house without a permit and she has friends over every Friday night and they are loud, but I have never called the sheriff nor did I call code enforcement. This woman has made our lives so miserable that we now regret moving into this home. How can I stop her harassment?
This is not legal advice!

I have been in a simular situation before and I konw this sort of thing can get you down.
You should try to not let these situations get to you, soon this will all pass over and they get fed up complaining about you and go on to someone else. The powers to be also build a pattern of these peoples behaviour and everytime they complain it will be noted, until they get fed up comming out and do there own investigaton. If you are doing nothing wrong, You Will Have Nothing Too Fear!

I had a the same situation the NICE lady next door kept saying we were playing loud music and banging doors and our dog was barking all night. The authorities in the end came out and did a home visit and could hear and find nothing wrong, it later turned out that she was quite a professional at this behaviour and was well known by the powers to be.

In turn as time passed by, We got quite used to this and we got less and less frustrated by her antics, Just Like You Will. She ended up fourclosing on her morgage repayments and was certified a mannic depressive. But I can hold my head up high because i had not fueled her depression and still had the last laugh. There is no need to play in to someones hands in conflict and as you will see it will all turn out for the best! So keep you chin up and remember silence is golden!
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