Neighbor Issue


New Member
I have lived in my home (rental) for over 12 years. The neighbor, who moved in around 4 years ago, has a person living with her that apparently (I have never asked nor do I want to) has a mental health problem. No, really. I believe she is mentally handicapped. Anyway, around 2 months ago I went out to check my mail and I hear mumbling. I say "excuse me?" she says it a little louder. I say "sorry?" she then screams "YOUR A BITCH!!" I figured she was having a bad day and left it.

Well, about a week later I hear loud banging outside and poke my head out to see what's going on. She is in the process of beating a trash can. She see me, screams "Get the fuck in!" at me. I laugh and go back inside.

Then, yesterday, I am going out to my car and hear behind me "You goddam fucking ass". I know it's her so I turn around and hear "She's a bitch!". Then I see her mother/sister/guardian speeding down the porch steps and grabbing her and shoving her very quickly into their house.

I am wondering what my legal avenues are. Can I file a restraining order? If she does it again, am I within my rights to call the cops? I have long standing documented anxiety issues including social anxiety and ocd. She's messing with my head and my ability to enjoy my home/yard peacefully. I never know when I walk out if she's going to start screaming at me.

What can I do to make her stop? I also know (as she told me herself) that they had to move from their last home due to "issues with the neighbors".

Thank you
I have lived in my home (rental) for over 12 years. The neighbor, who moved in around 4 years ago, has a person living with her that apparently (I have never asked nor do I want to) has a mental health problem. No, really. I believe she is mentally handicapped. Anyway, around 2 months ago I went out to check my mail and I hear mumbling. I say "excuse me?" she says it a little louder. I say "sorry?" she then screams "YOUR A BITCH!!" I figured she was having a bad day and left it.

Well, about a week later I hear loud banging outside and poke my head out to see what's going on. She is in the process of beating a trash can. She see me, screams "Get the fuck in!" at me. I laugh and go back inside.

Then, yesterday, I am going out to my car and hear behind me "You goddam fucking ass". I know it's her so I turn around and hear "She's a bitch!". Then I see her mother/sister/guardian speeding down the porch steps and grabbing her and shoving her very quickly into their house.

I am wondering what my legal avenues are. Can I file a restraining order? If she does it again, am I within my rights to call the cops? I have long standing documented anxiety issues including social anxiety and ocd. She's messing with my head and my ability to enjoy my home/yard peacefully. I never know when I walk out if she's going to start screaming at me.

What can I do to make her stop? I also know (as she told me herself) that they had to move from their last home due to "issues with the neighbors".

Thank you
Does the neighbor own or rent the home?
I am wondering what my legal avenues are.

The first three paragraphs of your post describe no legal issue.

Can I file a restraining order?

No. Only a court can file a restraining order. You could seek a restraining order, but what would you ask for? An order that your neighbor (whom you believe to be mentally retarded) not curse at you? Not gonna happen.

If she does it again, am I within my rights to call the cops?

You should not call the police except in an emergency situation or if you have reason to believe a crime has occurred.

What can I do to make her stop?

How about speaking with your neighbor (the one whom you don't suspect is mentally retarded) about what's happening?

You could, potentially, file a nuisance lawsuit, but moving would likely be less expensive.
I agree that your best course, if you feel you must do something, is to speak with the non-cuckoo occupants next door to see what they can do to help.

Ultimately, your scenario here is just words. You have not been threatened and no physical aggression has occurred.

It might be easiest to just ignore it. When you hear her spak do not engage.

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