Neighbor making false complaints about me to landlord


New Member
New York
I've been living in this complex for almost 6 yrs now. Never had anyone give out any complaints about me nor have I had the cops called on me. Mid last yr my downstairs neighbor moved in. And she's been making my life a living hell. She's had the cops called by another neighbor once cuz of noise complaint between her and her ex. And ever since that night she's been taking it out on me. Any step i take in the apartment or any little notmal noise made she starts banging on her ceiling my floor. Her new thing now was making complaints to Fairfield of me playinglouf music every night ( mind you i go to bed at9pm) and also putting complaints that i leavemy dog in the house alone all day and she stays barking all day long. I have a boxer mix therapydog. Only barks when she hears someone at the front door. I don't leave her alone all day she'swith me the whole day at home. I'm on disability so i don't work. And not sure how the neighborso call hears my dog barking all day when she leaves to work around 9am and doesn't comehome till after 6pm. Well now my housing is onthe line. My housing program just notified me that Fairfield might evict me and my housingprogram might lose their contract with Fairfield and if that happens they will not be able torelocate me for the simple reason that they will be dropping me from the program. I'm fullblown stressed and have no clue what to to at this point. All i know is that im about to behomeless all because of straight false complaints.
You have a few hard choices to make ASAP.
You can make arrangements to have your dog given to a relative or a trusted friend while you work with the authorities to resolve the matter.
If you do nothing, you probably know how the saga will end.
In situations such as the one you pose, unless you're wealthy, you start by apologizing, changing things, and making nice; so that you have time to seek new housing, or make more long lasting arrangements for the canine.

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