Anyone can sue anyone for anything, but you haven't clearly explained what the issue is. Here's what you told us the neighbor did:
1. "bulldoze all the trees and shrubs off the neighboring property. I assume "the neighboring property" is property that your neighbor owns and you do not own or have any interest in. If that assumption is correct, then this is perfectly legal.
2. "build a house immediately next to me where our two front doors can see each other." As long as no zoning laws were violated, this is perfectly legal.
3. "Then they want to start problems to the point that I end up taking them to court for protection orders just to make them stop grand standing on the fence line harassing me." These are conclusory allegations that convey no useful information. What problems did they start and why? What does "grand standing on the fence line" mean? How did they harass you, and why?
4. "[T]hey have a line of lawn chairs and just about every evening they have a group of people sitting there staring in my direction." As long as they're on their property, they can sit and stare where they want. I can't help but feel like there's information missing that might put some of this in context. For example, is there something wonderful about your house that makes people want to stare at it? Are you also sitting outside and doing something? Is there a great view in the direction of your house that is really what they're looking at?
In any event, based on the information provided, you have no basis to sue anyone. Why not simply put up a privacy fence between your properties?
That's not how things work.
You might be thinking of nuisance, and that's still a thing, but nothing in your post suggests your property is "unusable."
1/2: its the abstract concept that you dont buy something for its monetary value. i wanted to be alone out here, with the nearest neighbors being two little old ladies a few hundred yards across the highway. these people had 22 acres to do whatever they wanted, but chose to build right at the head of a shared driveway, then they put all their activity stuff, piles of wood, tools, vehicles, anything for activity they put directly on the property line... out of 0.03 of a square mile, all of their activity has to be directly across the property line... its unreasonable and the value of my property (isolation) is pretty well gone... i could have bought city lots for a fraction of the price to live this close to people...
3: it started really simply as they had a trash fire, which was proven illegal by the state environmental agency. all i did was go over to their house that night and ask them not to do it again, and they belittled me like a child and wouldnt let me explain to them that the smoke was blowing directly at my house and was comparable to fumigation for pest control, that i was getting sick and couldnt even sit in my living room without fumes seeping through the cracks in my walls... i just said that they cant do it again in the future because its unlivable, and rather then be respectful they got violent and chased me with a hammer, im in the process right now of obtaining their security camera recording so i can prove they lied under oath saying that i was never reasonable.
after that one night it was months of them driving a tractor back and forth on the fence-line for whole days at a time, like 6-8 hours of back and forth driving every spare day this man had... they amassed trash in the same spot where the fire was to scare me into a situation and try to provoke me to do something illegal. this has been six months of going to court and trying to get protection orders, and i think at this point i have compelled them with legal filings to stop being overt with stuff. but they have created such a hostile environment that we probably will never be on speaking terms again... just for my mental health im thinking seriously about moving out of here and i believe they should have to bear the cost of my moving because they created such a horrible situation over a humble request to not poison me with toxic smoke IN THE FUTURE... when you are so entitled that you reserve the right to hurt people later on... threatening me with a hammer, slandering me to law enforcement, i have a phone call with the sheriff recorded calling me a trouble maker and clearly prejudiced all while holding the video evidence of what really happened that night... its been living hell this year for no reason at all...
4: after situations get so big there really is no going back, and the problem is that they either know intentionally that they are bothering me, or they are so clueless and completely unconscious of their own behavior (probably the latter) that just being seen by this people, bumping into them on the shared driveway, its intolerable because this has been a year of significant trauma for me... i need a clear break from this situation to call it fully resolved where i can start working on moving past it already, six months of living with trauma is a hefty can of worms...
im to the point of upending my whole lifestyle and doing something different now, i was ok before all this started, and they owe me for making life an unnecessary struggle...