neighbours are making false complaints about smoke coming from my apartment what should i do

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New Member
on dec 29th i got a call at work from my fiancee crying about our landlord getting a complaint about smoking in the apartment. which is untrue as we do not smoke in the apartment or even near our place of try and keep other tenants happy. since we moved in on november 29th we have had issues with the neighbours below us and the landlords mother who resides in the apartment in the basement. i have done everything in my power to correct this so now its just false complaints. i have had police come to my door as they got a call of marijuana smoke coming from my place as that is total bull@#$t as i do not smoke marijuana. this is stressfull and is making my stay here unpleaseant and as far as i am aware it is the landlords responsibility to make it pleaseant what should i do i feel like im being harrassed now ?
Sorry, mate, we're just a dumb bunch of Yanks unfamiliar with the laws of nations other than the USA.
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