Never received prior notice for collection

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My niece borrowed some books from the library on my account. Failed to return them. I never received notice, until I got the first collection notice. Which I paid all fines associated immediately. I have a letter from the library stating the balance is clear. Is there anything I can do to have the collection report removed from my credit reports? Thanks....
The credit report states the facts regarding your history. Unless there is a mistake, technically the reports are true and you should take this up with your neice. What I'm wondering is how and why such a late payment would show up on your credit reports. That would be unusual.

quuen said:
My niece borrowed some books from the library on my account. Failed to return them. I never received notice, until I got the first collection notice. Which I paid all fines associated immediately. I have a letter from the library stating the balance is clear. Is there anything I can do to have the collection report removed from my credit reports? Thanks....
georgew said:
The credit report states the facts regarding your history. Unless there is a mistake, technically the reports are true and you should take this up with your neice. What I'm wondering is how and why such a late payment would show up on your credit reports. That would be unusual.

im not disputing that....The library reported the overdue fees to a collection agency, who then put it on my report. however considering i had no prior knowledge of the fees due...i hope to have it removed from my report since as soon as i found out, it was paid immediately, directly to the library...
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