New Editor, New Features

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Michael Wechsler

Staff member
In case you didn't notice, we have a brand new text editor, complete with new smilies and more. I am going to update the smilies as well to give them a proper 21st century look. I hope you enjoy the new forum look and even more surprises are in store for the weekend.

If you have any problems, permissions, posting, etc. Please report them here and I'll take care of them instantly. :)
Got a problem. :) I tried to edit a post, and wasn't successful. The editor opened up, I edited, but it wouldn't save, cancel, or anything.
Sweet! I'd noticed the difficulties, too :/

As a completely unrelated side note - I really do want to thank you for putting so much work into this site. The technical side, the dedication, the desire to help people - it all matters. Me and plenty hundreds of others really appreciate it.

Thank you.

Hear, Hear!

I would also like to extend my thanks and appreciation to TheLawProfessor [et al] for the mighty effort it takes to not only create and maintain an absolutely first rate website, but to create and maintain the very best of law forums on the web by a galaxy ride;

The Text Editor is simply superb.

Many Thanks.
Thanks guys. :) It's nice to know someone notices! This week's new additions will be substantial for new users in helping them ask questions.

There will also be a new mobile app and a couple of other nice new additions. Hope you enjoy and, most of course, thank you all for being such great contributors here, truly. :)
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