new here need help defamtion employee ?

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I was working at my job for the past 2 years and I have watched several employees come and go. My employers were constantly bad mouthing all of the employees that had previously worked there. The last girl that was with us was doing a great job, but they of course found fault in everything she did. After her first month with us our employer had a rather lengthy conversation with her about the dos and don'ts at our work. Most of what he said was ridiculous and we usually just ignored his stupidity, but when the new girl told a fellow employee and I that he had told her that we had been complaining about her and that is why he had to talk to her, and that also she did not need to make friends with us; that we were not her friends and that we could not be trusted. Well, I was appalled. I have been there best employee and I was very angry that he would attack my character like that. To say that I could not be trusted to me was defamation of characher. Well, the new girl of course quit that day because she did not want to work in such a manipulative environment, and there I was stuck.. Well, the doctors(this is our employers) were not in yet, so I called them on the phone. They live right upstairs( which I am not sure is legal either, but that is another story) I told them that they ran off another one and the new girl had quit. I got our female doctor on the phone...they are boyfriend and girlfriend. I told her that I had heard what was said and that I was very upset about the specific comments made about me. She never denied that it was said, but proceeded to tell me all the things that the new girl had done wrong the day before. I told her that that was not my concern, but that I was only concerned with what the other doctor had said about me. I was furious. I told her that I knew he had said it becasue I had heard him say the exact same words to other employees before about other employees. Well, she got very uglyand told me that if I didn't believe her then I could just leave. then she hung up on me. Well, I left and now I don't have a job. I am very hurt and disgusted by the situation. What can I do??? can I sue for defamation?? was I fired or did I quit?? can I collect unemployment. I would love some help. Thanks!
You quit as far as I can tell. Even if the boss says..... U can get the $%#$ out and find another job!! If they don't mean that literally, I don't think you could be considered fired. As far as unemployment around here, I think you are penalized if you quit the job, and possibly can't get it at all.
I think you can, however, show proof of a hostile work enviroment, and you we're unable to continue working there. You(u're lawyer or rep), can have the employer present the employee history there, interview co-workers, etc. I would strongly suggest doing it soon though, if you plan to go that route. I was just involved in a case with a federal employee, and it's stretched out to almost a year old, with no results. Neither getting rid of the "hostile" co-worker, any hard "repremands", or changes in policies from the actions of the co-worker. Hope ya got your gloves on! :)

We'll wait for the law professor here, as I have no clue if you have a case for defamation or not. It seems they may have many dirty practices, if this is how they treat employees.

If you're a nurse, (just assuming), you should have job possiblities everywhere!!! :)

**edit, had to add some ranting.....
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