new homeowner not on loan but supposedly on the deed

daniel U

New Member
where do i go to verify this for myself so i dont have to except some copy anyone could make ect and make sure is legitimate? i live in tennesse so would be TN law
Verify what? If you want to know what the ownership is, you'd best have a proper title search done. This won't necessarily tell you if you are the hook for a loan. You only got that if you signed a contract obligating yourself to that. You should remember what you signed.
where do i go to verify this for myself so i dont have to except some copy anyone could make ect and make sure is legitimate? i live in tennesse so would be TN law

You'll want to search the Register of Deeds in the county where the property is located. The Register of Deeds records deeds and mortgages. Look for your name. Try this online first. If not successful, visit the office.
The absence of a recorded mortgage or deed of trust doesn't necessarily indicate the absence of responsibility for a loan.
well my credit wasnt good enough to get a loan so my mother got the loan but i'l be living in the house myself and will be paying the mortgage. but supposably im on the deed only reason i want to see for myself is because there are certain family members brother and sister whom i dont want on my property so i figured i should probably see the deed so i know what my rights are if someone trespasses and i dont want them to.
well my credit wasnt good enough to get a loan so my mother got the loan but i'l be living in the house myself and will be paying the mortgage. but supposably im on the deed only reason i want to see for myself is because there are certain family members brother and sister whom i dont want on my property so i figured i should probably see the deed so i know what my rights are if someone trespasses and i dont want them to.
If you are the only resident, and you are not an owner, then you are a tenant, with all the rights allowed per your state's laws, as well as those conferred in your rental/lease agreement (if any).
where do i go to verify this for myself

Assuming "this" refers to the subject header of your post ("new homeowner not on loan but supposedly on the deed"), the answer depends on what exactly the subject header of your post means. That said, real property deeds are matter off public record. I don't know exactly where they are available for search and viewing in Tennessee, but I assume it's a county courthouse, clerk's office or recorder's office.

so i dont have to except some copy anyone could make ect and make sure is legitimate?


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