New Posts now under your profile Menu dropdown

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I have check boxes on the old format but not on the new. Right now I've been shifted back to the old. I don't have a link to new posts.
Yep, apparently there is some type of bug/problem with new format.
What "bug" are we talking about?

The "new posts" can be accessed by putting the mouse button over your name when logged in. A dropdown menu will appear and you'll see new posts, edit your profile, etc.

You can select any spam messages just like last time with the little checkboxes. I see them clearly and have been doing so.

Perhaps you can explain to me where we are criss-crossing!!! :D
Regarding the new/old --- there is a choice of moving everyone over to the new skin (which I can do) or you can use the old one, but I'm not sure if there are any issues that might occur with it. You can switch between themes using the dropdown menu in the footer in the bottom left corner. You'll see the dropdown. The old theme was called "TheLaw v3" and the current is
What "bug" are we talking about?

The "new posts" can be accessed by putting the mouse button over your name when logged in. A dropdown menu will appear and you'll see new posts, edit your profile, etc.

You can select any spam messages just like last time with the little checkboxes. I see them clearly and have been doing so.

Perhaps you can explain to me where we are criss-crossing!!! :D

We somehow got changed to the old format & putting our mouse over our name will not bring up any menu to get new posts etc. That is why we needed a link (button) to get to new posts.
I have added the "new posts" button back to the old skin where it was before. Is this what you're talking about? :)

Yes, that is what we were talking about (cbg & me anyway) - I don't know about shrinkmaster but he apparently was changed back to old format like cbg & I were.
Exactly. I can hover my mouse over my name all day and no new menu shows up. I'm still back on the old skin.

For that time that I was on the new one, I could get the drop down menu with the new posts, but I had no check box to delete spam unless I opened each individual thread - there was a check box inside the thread, but not outside.

I can have one or the other, it seems, but not both.

Correction - on the old skin, which I am still on, there is a New Threads button back where it used to be, on the left hand side of the bar.
OK... you are all now set on the new skin. The problem is I give all of you too many options!!!! My fault! :)

Question - do you want the choice of using the old style?

If I give you a choice, you can change your default style set in two ways:

1. Look at the little dropdown box at the bottom of the forum on the left side. There is a "style chooser." You can select the forum you want to use and change back and forth.

2. You can change the style in your user preferences.

Now the dropdown did not exist in the old style because I assumed all of you knew how to use the new style. :) I had to add back in the extra "new posts" button into the old style. That also automatically adds it into the dropdown for "Legal Advice" in the main menu.

And why not call it "forums?" Because users who come to the site sometimes don't know what "forum" is unless they are Internet savvy. I am considering changing to to "Ask a Question" or something of the like. Open for suggestions.


There are lots of advantages with this new theme. It's much faster. Won't get into other details.


I am going to introduce a couple of things and you can let me know your thoughts:

1) I will put back the quick registration I was experimenting with. It's just user name, password, checkbox, go. I will probably need to add in the spam question, which is unfortunate.

2) I will probably change the green button to "New legal topic" and have another button called "Ask a Question". This will be a page that has nothing more than a form and the user can choose any legal topic they want from the dropdown. So it is just

1. Enter spam captcha
2. Choose forum
3. Enter jurisdiction
4. Enter Title
5. Enter post

3) Do you think there is too much scrolling on the home page? I am trying to minimize it through the use of "prefixes" for threads. You can see this in Criminal Law, which I am experimenting with. In this instance the user gets into a forum quickly but must also add a forum prefix. This is instead of sending the user into another subforum making everything nested. I've done the same thing with the Immigration Law section, which I've tried to minimize too but no matter what I do there are just many subtopics to cover properly if you want to organize them well enough.
Looking good, great improvements, but one small problem: I am no longer able to see the poster's jurisdiction, ie...state.

Oversight, perhaps?
The New format is working fine for me, but I have noticed one oddity when using Android browser.

Some threads show up in the list in a brown font rather than the blue font. I'm not sure what the difference is. The brown is the category for the thread, and the title for some reason will not show. It looks like maybe it sometimes should into a second line that is barely visible? Anyway, these Brown ones are not easy to open. I found that the easiest way to open them is to do a long puss to get a menu and then open it in a new tab.

Does that make any sense?

Looking again just now, I see the brown text is not a link which is why I can't click it. It seems if the brown text is short then I am able to click the empty area below it to open the thread. If the brown text is long there is less space to click in. I'm not clear why some are appearing brown and not as a link?
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I just got back on thelaw & have the new format again - will see how things go. Thanks for your post, thelawprofessor.
I have the new format again, and I like it. I can now find the drop down menu.

But I still don't have a check box to delete spam posts until I open the thread.
Looking good, great improvements, but one small problem: I am no longer able to see the poster's jurisdiction, ie...state.

Oversight, perhaps?

I can see it at the top of the thread - next to title of thread.
Working on things today so you may see changes. Had a stroke of genius or stupidity thanks to all of you. Many of you dislike the guest registrations and there are some additional reasons not to have them.

Ask a New Legal Question --

This button takes users to a page where they can enter a legal question that gets posted to any specified forum (via a dropdown) followed by a quick registration form underneath if they are not logged in.

@mightymoose - will test on my Android Nexus4 phone and and Nexus7 Tablet -- brown is gone

@cbg - what browser are you using and what operating system? checkboxes are there -- just put your mouse at the end of a thread and the joila!! They should magically appear. They are hidden from view unless you hover. Wasn't my idea but it actually looks so much cleaner.

@Betty3 - Congrats on the win

@armyjudge - Thanks for persevering on registration. I may move the jurisdiction but for now, it's right after the thread title.

Hopefully this will all be done today and will be a nice enhancement.
Brower, Google Chrome. Operating System, Windows Vista.

The boxes magically appearing worked for the first 24 hours on the new skin. Since then, nothing.

Where the check boxes used to be is a little arrow that takes me to the last post in the thread.
I get the boxes currently - so far so good for me. They just "pop up" for me.
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