OK... you are all now set on the new skin. The problem is I give all of you too many options!!!! My fault!
Question - do you want the choice of using the old style?
If I give you a choice, you can change your default style set in two ways:
1. Look at the little dropdown box at the bottom of the forum on the left side. There is a "style chooser." You can select the forum you want to use and change back and forth.
2. You can change the style in your user preferences.
Now the dropdown did not exist in the old style because I assumed all of you knew how to use the new style.

I had to add back in the extra "new posts" button into the old style. That also automatically adds it into the dropdown for "Legal Advice" in the main menu.
And why not call it "forums?" Because users who come to the site sometimes don't know what "forum" is unless they are Internet savvy. I am considering changing to to "Ask a Question" or something of the like. Open for suggestions.
There are lots of advantages with this new theme. It's much faster. Won't get into other details.
I am going to introduce a couple of things and you can let me know your thoughts:
1) I will put back the quick registration I was experimenting with. It's just user name, password, checkbox, go. I will probably need to add in the spam question, which is unfortunate.
2) I will probably change the green button to "New legal topic" and have another button called "Ask a Question". This will be a page that has nothing more than a form and the user can choose any legal topic they want from the dropdown. So it is just
1. Enter spam captcha
2. Choose forum
3. Enter jurisdiction
4. Enter Title
5. Enter post
3) Do you think there is too much scrolling on the home page? I am trying to minimize it through the use of "prefixes" for threads. You can see this in Criminal Law, which I am experimenting with. In this instance the user gets into a forum quickly but must also add a forum prefix. This is instead of sending the user into another subforum making everything nested. I've done the same thing with the Immigration Law section, which I've tried to minimize too but no matter what I do there are just many subtopics to cover properly if you want to organize them well enough.