New Posts now under your profile Menu dropdown

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I don't know, cbg - guess thelawprofessor will have to check into it -- I can currently see them. I hope they don't go away. I can see the arrows also. (see both)
I spoke too soon. :( I can't get boxes either under new posts (only arrow). If I bring up a sub forum (like accidents, injuries, damage), on those threads I can get the boxes & arrows.
I also under my profile page & other users profile page can't see # of views of page & most recent visitors to page. I don't know if it is like that for everyone. However, I guess that is no big deal but it was something that was there previously.
I hadn't seen that - good work, Betty!

If I am in the individual forums, I can see both the arrow and the box. If I am in New Posts, I can only see the arrow.
Same here, cbg.................
Ahhhh.... I will look into that and I noticed it too.

OK - thank you so much for helping me with the bug fixing. Overall, I think it's been a successful adaptation. It's only in the search/new posts (which is actually a search) which the select box doesn't show. So we've got that and Betty's request to get back the "who is peeking at my profile" LOL. :)
That's about it, LOL ............. :)
Update: In IE I see both the arrow and the check box, even in New Posts.

In Chrome I still continue to see only the arrow in New Posts.
I don't see box & I'm using IE. :( (not in new posts)
OK - after a very painful bug fixing session, it's an error in the template itself. I don't know how to fix it properly yet but I think now you'll see checkboxes to the left of the last post info for "new posts" results and you'll be able to select for inline moderation. Let me know if it works for you, works here.
I see the check boxes next to the views of the post, but I do see them and that's what's important. Thanks, Michael!

ETA - just looked again and realized that's exactly where you said they would be. (blushes and goes to get more coffee)
OK - after a very painful bug fixing session, it's an error in the template itself. I don't know how to fix it properly yet but I think now you'll see checkboxes to the left of the last post info for "new posts" results and you'll be able to select for inline moderation. Let me know if it works for you, works here.

I am still unable to see the jurisdiction (after the recent updates were applied) of the poster.

It isn't a big problem, but the jurisdiction used to be seen, now I can't see it.

Just so you know, this is missing (as far as I can tell), when I use Firefox, IE, or TapATalk.
I can also see the check boxes where you said they would be, Michael. Thank you. (no problem with jurisdiction for me but use a desk top or lap top computer if that makes any difference) I use IE
I was seeing jurisdiction but just realized this morning I can't any longer. Sometimes the state makes a difference to the reply.
It's now back. My apologies for it not being there. I will have the old threads filled in from the past 3-4 days.

I've also changed the look of the top menu - so the issue of making the window larger should be gone. Your profile items, including your mailbox and new posts link and other tools will always be visible and there if you need them. I'll add more back upon request. I was debating whether to make the dropdown for quick forum access in the menu bar but it's probably good right where it is for now.

By next week, we will be extremely smooth sailing. :) I hope that you like the new way the forum works, which is pretty straightforward and much easier to use. I'm midway through the reorganization of all the forums and have finished the new structure it will take. It won't be as spread out and you'll be able to more easily see each forum that has posts and there will be a "prefix" that notes the type of post.
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