NJ dcpp case

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My husband and I are trying to foster our nephew. He is 5 months old. He was taken from my sister when he was born at the hospital. I asked a friend of mine who has fostered children over the years to take my nephew while my husband and I go through the process of getting approved to do it. All was going well, we had our home inspection and passed, we were fingerprinted and background checked, all passed. My husband had a DUI some years ago, so DYFS asked him to go to a treatment program. In the meantime, my nephew would have to stay with the foster parent (my friend). MY husband has been going through the program, though the place doesn't see any reason for him to be there, but whatever we have to do for our nephew so he can go with family. In the meantime, the foster parent has now told DYFS that we make bad decisions because my brother who has also had a drug problem in the past ( but has been undergoing treatment and rehabilitation for 5 months) visited our home recently. The foster parent has had him in her home in the past few months on more than one occasion and went to his home with my nephew recently as well. I guess she didn't tell DYFS those parts. Anyway, what can I say to DYFS about my brother. I have a letter from his doctor stating he is undergoing treatment and has clean urines. Im worried that the foster parent has now caused us to be turned down for fostering my nephew. The foster parent has been friends with me for a few years now and knows that I didn't speak with my brother for almost a year because of his issue and only just recently started talking to him again since hes been clean. Ive had the foster parents other children in my care many times. how can I explain to DYFS that it seems the foster parent is getting very attached to my nephew and reaching for reasons to keep him.
DYFS will decide on his care, but as you might know, once he's placed with foster parents it becomes difficult to remove the child without a darn good reason. If you had requested fostering him yourself when he was born (versus your friend), you still would have problems.

The bottom line is given the age of the child, it's really not in his best interest to be removed from his primary caregiver.

There is a question though - why hasn't Mom got a case plan? No reunification plan?
DYFS will decide on his care, but as you might know, once he's placed with foster parents it becomes difficult to remove the child without a darn good reason. If you had requested fostering him yourself when he was born (versus your friend), you still would have problems.

The bottom line is given the age of the child, it's really not in his best interest to be removed from his primary caregiver.

There is a question though - why hasn't Mom got a case plan? No reunification plan?

Military, NJ, Navy, etc.....

Arguing with others, not playing nice, threats, etc....

Someone has returned...........A G A I N..............

Action has once more once been taken.
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Could you translate that for me please?


I'm trying to be coy.

The POI (person of interest) was banned (multiple times) in the past for arguing with people.
I recall a a couple of episodes that involved, mods and other posters being disparaged and verbally accosted.
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