Not so fast!
First and foremost, do check to make sure the address you have given on your complaint is correct because you should receive service of all the papers filed with the court by the defendant and it does not sound like you have received any so far in this case; you may also want to call up the opposing counsel with the same inquiry.
As for applying for default, well, that is off the grid for now since the defendant has officially appeared in the case, albeit about two weeks late and you are fortunate they have appeared somewhat belatedly now than in five months' time and after having set aside the default judgment. But, and this is the big BUT here, they do not get carte blanch and may have very well lost some of their ammunition for responding late. You see, a motion to strike and a demurrer are objections to the complaint which should be raised within the time allowed to answer the complaint, which in this case is (and was) 30 days from the date of service of process.
So when you do finally receive the notices for the motion to strike and the demurrer, check their filing date and if you see that they were filed beyond the allowed 30 days, then you should move to have them both dismissed for being untimely and demand an immediate entry of default judgment, or in the alternative, demand that the defendant answer the complaint within 10 court days. Because a timely filed demurrer extends the time in which a defendant can answer the complaint, a quirk of the Civil Code which this defendant is trying to hide behind and is also hoping would go unnoticed by you, since you are appearing pro se.
However, if the papers were timely filed, you would then have no choice but to prepare and file oppositions to the motion to strike and the demurrer. But even supposing for the fact that the objections were timely filed and the judge grants the defendants' motion and sustains their demurrer, the overall, and the absolute worst case scenario for you would be an order to file an amended complaint within so many days (10 I believe).
But first try to kick them out if they were not filed in time. At the very least, it will show the opposition you are paying attention and you cannot be taken for granted just because you are flying solo.