No bill, big interest

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Hi my fiance' who got a call this evening about a DVD player she had bought with an in-store credit plan about a year ago. She never recieved a bill in the time between when she bought it and now, and she was told that of the bill that was about $150 dollars to begin with, she now owes about $430 with interest and late fees. She doesn't want to contest it for some god unknown reason, I personally feel she's getting screwed on the matter and am dumbfounded by her not contesting the debt. I'm curious to see if there's anything regarding this kind of situation I can show her that might get her to change her mind.
I'm not sure I understand how the amount she was charged has tripled in less than a year. It's typically called usury although I'm sure there is some late fee issue.

What you can do to change her mind is to tell her that it's not going away. Next will be that it is sent to a collecter. The following it will appear on her credit report if she ignores it. I'd find out from her if she REALLY didn't receive any notices and why she just wants to ignore the matter. You are the one who probably knows her best and this is not very responsible behavior....
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