No child support from non-custodial parent


Hi all, just wanted to see how I could enforce payments for child support from my son's father. He has not made any payments since September of last year, and before that he's only paid about 5 times way below the monthly minimum that is due. None of his payments met the minimum monthly payment due.

Child support agency has contacted me a few times to try and locate him, the father does visit my child regularly on his given visitation days, and his address is intact. However, he tells (or avoid) child support agency that he does not live at the address where he has my child in care on his days. He would ignore their calls. So currently they are trying to get a trail against him in court for lack of payments (he is about 7k behind currently and my child is only 2 and half years old) and cannot do so because they cannot locate or contact him.

What else can I do about this situation? I also sent in a proof of a website where we both communicate on with his address on that he sent me himself a few months back.

Thanks for your help/advice.
Does he work? Just knowing where he lives won't get you any money. Child support is mostly collected through garnishing a paycheck.
Have you filed with the court for contempt of the CS order?

I have not. I am confused with this as I have gotten different responses from me this question before. One told me that if I attempt to do this, my child support case will be "dropped" and I will have to handle with this on my own, as in no more child support agency. Other told me that it'll do nothing. From a legal standpoint, I do not know what this will do if I do file for contempt of the CS order, or what is the next thing to do.
Does he work? Just knowing where he lives won't get you any money. Child support is mostly collected through garnishing a paycheck.

He says he does. When we dated, he would work mostly under the table job, and he still does. However, the agency has caught him a few times and he would just quit job after job. The agency said they caught him recently as of last month (it has passed 45 days) and I have not received a check.
Reason why I said address is because everytime they send mail to him with child support papers or anything related to that, it gets sent back so they are having a difficult time locating him regarding the trial, or issues with him not paying for child support. So I had proof that he said he "owns" and lives at the house at the address he provided which is the same address that the agency has, and I mailed it in along with the locate paperwork they sent me to fill out. I do understand that CS is garnished from a paycheck. It's just so difficult and I'm not sure what to do next, and whether filing for contempt of the CS order will do anything else besides the trial they are trying to set up against the father.
Reason why I said address is because everytime they send mail to him with child support papers or anything related to that, it gets sent back so they are having a difficult time locating him regarding the trial, or issues with him not paying for child support. So I had proof that he said he "owns" and lives at the house at the address he provided which is the same address that the agency has, and I mailed it in along with the locate paperwork they sent me to fill out. I do understand that CS is garnished from a paycheck. It's just so difficult and I'm not sure what to do next, and whether filing for contempt of the CS order will do anything else besides the trial they are trying to set up against the father.

Many custodial parents never collect a dollar from deadbeat moms and dads.

You might end up being one of those victims, as will your kid.

In many cases, it takes time and patience.
That is why some people are owed $50,000; $100,000; or more dollars in unpaid child support.
If the child support agency is actively trying to locate him to collect for you, I would suggest you continue to work with them and follow up with them. If he continues to work under the table or quit jobs as soon as the orders are served on the employer, then it will be very difficult to collect anything. Good luck to you.
Update: the trial is now set in a couple of months for the father. After this happened, the father contacted me trying to get me to close the case, and telling me he'll pay more than the child support minimum if he doesn't have to pay for what he owes. I, of course, declined with a statement that if he's never paid a check that meets the minimum, what makes him think I will believe him? Hopefully this trial will go well, and it will make him realize and support our son even more. I doubt it will, but its the hope I have for now. Thank you all for helping.
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Update: the trial is now set in a couple of months for the father. After this happened, the father contacted me trying to get me to close the case, and telling me he'll pay more than the child support minimum if he doesn't have to pay for what he owes. I, of course, declined with a statement that if he's never paid a check that meets the minimum, what makes him think I will believe him? Hopefully this trial will go well, and it will make him realize and support our son even more. I doubt it will, but its the hope I have for now. Thank you all for helping.

Now you're using the old noggin.
You're doing this for your child, because he hasn't.
You don't owe him any explanation.
If I were you, I'd stop communicating with him.
I dislike liars, and avoid them at all costs.

My mother used to say, "There's nothing a liar won't do to you, if you allow one into your life."
Now you're using the old noggin.
You're doing this for your child, because he hasn't.
You don't owe him any explanation.
If I were you, I'd stop communicating with him.
I dislike liars, and avoid them at all costs.

My mother used to say, "There's nothing a liar won't do to you, if you allow one into your life."

You're right. It's actually the first conversation we've had in a while, besides when he picks up/drops off my child after his visitations. Just stupid how sudden he tries to be nice and offering.

I'll update later on how the trial goes for others who may find themselves in the same situation.

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