No copies

This relates to Discovery, Is there an actual legitimate reason that people aren't allowed copies of the information in discovery? I mean seriously, you and your attorney get to read everything so the info is not a secret, yet the state still insists that defendants not be allowed to have copies. This seems like an intentional action that is used as a prosecution tool. When going through a folder full of information it is easy to miss something (possibly important) if every time you are given access to it you are rushed, interrupted or being asked questions. This situation makes it very hard to stay focused on a single train of thought and seems as if the prosecution knows this and intentionally tries to make it difficult to defend yourself. Can anyone explain this to me? Besides the fact that they are trying to win. Thanks
This relates to Discovery, Is there an actual legitimate reason that people aren't allowed copies of the information in discovery? I mean seriously, you and your attorney get to read everything so the info is not a secret, yet the state still insists that defendants not be allowed to have copies. This seems like an intentional action that is used as a prosecution tool. When going through a folder full of information it is easy to miss something (possibly important) if every time you are given access to it you are rushed, interrupted or being asked questions. This situation makes it very hard to stay focused on a single train of thought and seems as if the prosecution knows this and intentionally tries to make it difficult to defend yourself. Can anyone explain this to me? Besides the fact that they are trying to win. Thanks
I find your situation deeply concerning and I have been alarmed of the same here in NY all my life, not only the courts desire to withhold a file , but throughout many asspects of society likewise refuse to share pertinent info w/those concerned, like patients, defendants, all us "subjects" seem to be unworthy of a copy of a file, they (people in positions of power) always wanna assert authority over others! Just like in "A Few Good Men" when jack nichalson tells tom cruise (Danny) "you can have all the copies of transfer orders you want" but you gotta ask nicely its always a power playm this Topic (copy of a file denied) should alarm everyone, best wishes
I find your situation deeply concerning and I have been alarmed of the same here in NY all my life, not only the courts desire to withhold a file , but throughout many asspects of society likewise refuse to share pertinent info w/those concerned, like patients, defendants, all us "subjects" seem to be unworthy of a copy of a file, they (people in positions of power) always wanna assert authority over others! Just like in "A Few Good Men" when jack nichalson tells tom cruise (Danny) "you can have all the copies of transfer orders you want" but you gotta ask nicely its always a power playm this Topic (copy of a file denied) should alarm everyone, best wishes

Another one of life's lessons must be applied, mate.
When you need something, desperately need something, demanding will always fail.
You start by asking nicely.
You escalate slowly to pleading, leading to begging.
Yes, begging.
When you need something from Ms. Bigg, you will never get it by demanding or threatening.

You gotta slow roll Ms. Bigg, slow roll.
Another one of life's lessons must be applied, mate.
When you need something, desperately need something, demanding will always fail.
You start by asking nicely.
You escalate slowly to pleading, leading to begging.
Yes, begging.
When you need something from Ms. Bigg, you will never get it by demanding or threatening.

You gotta slow roll Ms. Bigg, slow roll.
indeed I agree that you are correct in that polite diplomacy should be effectuated 1'st, however they often can tell that I am a very insincere begger, and I believe that integrity should be all that is required of a legal obligation , integrity will see it done , I ask myself w/respect to all things, the question "what is right?" and it has served me personally very well, I just gotta remember that, what is right, is subjective , its not really fact
indeed I agree that you are correct in that polite diplomacy should be effectuated 1'st, however they often can tell that I am a very insincere begger, and I believe that integrity should be all that is required of a legal obligation , integrity will see it done , I ask myself w/respect to all things, the question "what is right?" and it has served me personally very well, I just gotta remember that, what is right, is subjective , its not really fact
I am currentlly researching the filing of a much needed "mandamus" motion to compell the superior court to enforce longstanding law
I am currentlly researching the filing of a much needed "mandamus" motion to compell the superior court to enforce longstanding law

Writs can be useful.
Writs can also take time.
The writ of mandamus is one of the family of GREAT writs.
The GREAT writ being habeas corpus.

Why do you believe mandamus applies?
Mandamus seeks a court to compel a government official to do, or refrain from doing something.
Which government official has failed to do something that affects you?
A superior court can't arbitrarily compel an inferior court to do that many things.
Have you investigated whether the information you seek is under seal?
If it is, it'll take more than mandamus to compel the lower court to give you what you want to see.

Why do you believe the order s probative to your defense?
Writs can be useful.
Writs can also take time.
The writ of mandamus is one of the family of GREAT writs.
The GREAT writ being habeas corpus.

Why do you believe mandamus applies?
Mandamus seeks a court to compel a government official to do, or refrain from doing something.
Which government official has failed to do something that affects you?
A superior court can't arbitrarily compel an inferior court to do that many things.
Have you investigated whether the information you seek is under seal?
If it is, it'll take more than mandamus to compel the lower court to give you what you want to see.

Why do you believe the order s probative to your defense?
the clerks of the courts, and the deputies, as well as the DA and judge would not help me in filing a OP or RO on a person that attacked me, I have the attack on film and I had to convince the clerks that I as a non-police man could file a affidavit, and that they were obligated to present it to the DA,on my behalf, it took 5 days before they agreed, but then refused to give me a CR# so that my order was not to be against a john Doe, they said "do the legwork yourseelf " that they had
the clerks of the courts, and the deputies, as well as the DA and judge would not help me in filing a OP or RO on a person that attacked me, I have the attack on film and I had to convince the clerks that I as a non-police man could file a affidavit, and that they were obligated to present it to the DA,on my behalf, it took 5 days before they agreed, but then refused to give me a CR# so that my order was not to be against a john Doe, they said "do the legwork yourseelf " that they had
no obligation to help me
now as recentlly as yesterday the cops are still playing stupid as relates to an illegal eviction by a landlord that I just last month sighned a lease w/and he took my 2500$ then said get the fuck out of my house and keeps entering and throwing my company out all founded on this menacing charge
I know it dony sound likely true but I got all this on audio and video, like I said they dont like me
I know it dony sound likely true but I got all this on audio and video, like I said they dont like me

Sometimes you can't beat them, mate.
If that happens, it's best to leave them alone, and get as far away as you can.

I understand what you're trying to do.
I suspect it'll never happen.
Besides, your bigger problem is the charge you caught.

Prioritize mate, fight the existing charge with all you've got.

Once the master takes, or the law removes his boot off your throat, then live your life.

Don't waste it in courtrooms, unless you get paid to be in that courtroom (judges, lawyers, cops, stenographer, clerk, bailiff, or news reporter).
the clerks of the courts, and the deputies, as well as the DA and judge would not help me in filing a OP or RO on a person that attacked me, I have the attack on film and I had to convince the clerks that I as a non-police man could file a affidavit, and that they were obligated to present it to the DA,on my behalf, it took 5 days before they agreed, but then refused to give me a CR# so that my order was not to be against a john Doe, they said "do the legwork yourseelf " that they had

That's not the judge or DA's job to help people file orders of protection. The clerk of the court can help you. But they can't tell you what to write. They can tell you what information goes in it but they won't write it for you.

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