Criminal Trials, Hearings No Prosecutor

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New Member
New Jersey
Hi, I'm giving this a try and hope that someone out there could help me. What I have been dealing with the past two years, I'm still scratching my head at. I'm not a lawyer but I sure did learn an awful lot with all the reading I've done. I'll try and keep this as short as possible.

I have one of those neighbors that makes you wish you bought a house with no neighbors for miles. Little did we know that he would turn our lives upside down.
There's too much to write, so I'll get right to my issue. I tried four times to file stalking charges on this man. Each time I was told by the judge that he wasn't enough, he needed more. So the last time that I went there was December 11th 2021. I gave him six instances with video and photo evidence to back up each of my claims. Instead of a complaint I got a call from the municipal clerk, telling me that the judge said to take my complaint to the state police barracks, and also told me the judge did not look at the CD. I was disgusted and confused. That was my last attempt to file a complaint. It takes too much out of me. I figured what's the use of even trying anymore. If he won't take a complaint with evidence to back it, there was no pleasing this judge.
A few weeks later, we received a harassment complaint in the mail signed by the same judge!! Now one problem I have with this is that the judge gave my neighbor probable cause with the only evidence being his wife signing as a witness!

What's more disgusting is all three charges. We have video evidence proving the complete opposite of what was stated in their complaint and proving my husband's innocence. Not concerned on that. Here is where it gets even more interesting.
Last year we hired 2 lawyer(s) gave them $5k to defend my husband and help me to get a stalking complaint filed. They never told us shortly after we hired them the two lawyers broke away from the firm. We found this out when a new zoom hearing was scheduled. No return phone calls until the day before court!
He really hasn't done much for my husband nor bother to look at the evidence that we have.
I believe this could of been thrown out long ago but know one seems to want to do there job anymore ‍♀️
So on the next zoom court date….I was prepared to show them the evidence and ask that the charges be dropped. Instead the Judge (whom wouldn't approve of any of my complaints) wouldn't allow me to speak, told me and my husband to talk to our lawyer and then kicked us out of the zoom meeting lol
No, I was not disrespectful in any way. I was beginning to think this Judge just did not like me and so, another month goes by, and another zoom date scheduled. On this day, again the lawyer that we hired, attends the meeting and agrees to a trial! All as my husband and I are waiting in the lobby but we're never let in until after they all had met and agreed on a trial

My husband and I have had enough of being treated like we are insignificant. So many times it seemed like jobs people were hired to do, suddenly didn't mean much to them anymore.
You be left a lot out of our story, tried to sum it up. If you're still reading, THANK YOU !!
Finally for the even bigger head scratcher….
I emailed our lawyer asking him to show us the discovery. After almost two weeks, he sends an email and in it is two documents. First one is the neighbors complaint and the second is….MY LAST TWO COMPLAINTS!!

How does a court case 'pop up with a copy of my original complaint that I wrote out on 12/21 that was turned down by the judge? The CD is missing as well because I have it.

However the complaint, it's missing one important document I believe that's suppose to go along with it. (A probable cause doc signed by the judge or prosecutor!!)

Only thing I can think of as to why a case "exists" now suddenly is to cover someone's rear??
I don't know but the court date is Tuesday the 15th. I'm going to try my darnedest to be as ready as I can be to prosecute my case. It seems I was not given the courtesy of having the help of a prosecutor just as my neighbor has had.

I welcome any advice. I've left a lot out because of it being so lengthy already.
A few questions I'd like to ask:
Aren't I due the same type of courtesy as the Plaintiff in my husbands case with a prosecutor being assigned to my case as well?
Beings that this doesn't seem to be the way Municipal Court or any court for that matter is suppose to be run, it looks as if I'm going to have to go at this alone and be a lawyer, wife and a prosecutor so that I can attempt to prove my case and have Justice be served once and for all.
Because this trial is in Municipal court there's no Jury, however, could someone please tell me if there is still an opening statement?
Can anyone recommend any case law?
Am I right by thinking something is strange about the way my complaint showed up and only days away from the court date?

Thanks so so much for your time. I truly hope I didn't confuse anyone too much.

God Bless!
Simplify matters, as suggested previously, report your concerns to the state Police.

Regarding your lengthy missive, you have retained an attorney.

It is wise to seek ALL counsel and guidance from the attorney you've got on retainer.

Going forward, learn to IGNORE "stupid", "rude", and "crass" subhumans!!!
New Jersey is one of the states where private citizens can file a criminal complaint for an indictable offense.

However, that doesn't mean that it's going anywhere. The standards of probable cause and other rules of evidence still apply, and it doesn't mean that the state's attorney is going to fill in the missing aspects if he is not so inclined.

To the original poster: by and large, citizens have no RIGHT to have people criminally prosecuted. A criminal offense is not a "perpetrator v. victim" thing. It is society as a whole that is harmed by criminal behavior and the state represents the people at large.

Your best bet would be to obtain an attorney and pursue a CIVIL action, which is designed for such.
Hi, I'm giving this a try and hope that someone out there could help me. What I have been dealing with the past two years, I'm still scratching my head at. I'm not a lawyer but I sure did learn an awful lot with all the reading I've done. I'll try and keep this as short as possible.

I have one of those neighbors that makes you wish you bought a house with no neighbors for miles. Little did we know that he would turn our lives upside down.
There's too much to write, so I'll get right to my issue. I tried four times to file stalking charges on this man. Each time I was told by the judge that he wasn't enough, he needed more. So the last time that I went there was December 11th 2021. I gave him six instances with video and photo evidence to back up each of my claims. Instead of a complaint I got a call from the municipal clerk, telling me that the judge said to take my complaint to the state police barracks, and also told me the judge did not look at the CD. I was disgusted and confused. That was my last attempt to file a complaint. It takes too much out of me. I figured what's the use of even trying anymore. If he won't take a complaint with evidence to back it, there was no pleasing this judge.
A few weeks later, we received a harassment complaint in the mail signed by the same judge!! Now one problem I have with this is that the judge gave my neighbor probable cause with the only evidence being his wife signing as a witness!

What's more disgusting is all three charges. We have video evidence proving the complete opposite of what was stated in their complaint and proving my husband's innocence. Not concerned on that. Here is where it gets even more interesting.
Last year we hired 2 lawyer(s) gave them $5k to defend my husband and help me to get a stalking complaint filed. They never told us shortly after we hired them the two lawyers broke away from the firm. We found this out when a new zoom hearing was scheduled. No return phone calls until the day before court!
He really hasn't done much for my husband nor bother to look at the evidence that we have.
I believe this could of been thrown out long ago but know one seems to want to do there job anymore ‍♀️
So on the next zoom court date….I was prepared to show them the evidence and ask that the charges be dropped. Instead the Judge (whom wouldn't approve of any of my complaints) wouldn't allow me to speak, told me and my husband to talk to our lawyer and then kicked us out of the zoom meeting lol
No, I was not disrespectful in any way. I was beginning to think this Judge just did not like me and so, another month goes by, and another zoom date scheduled. On this day, again the lawyer that we hired, attends the meeting and agrees to a trial! All as my husband and I are waiting in the lobby but we're never let in until after they all had met and agreed on a trial

My husband and I have had enough of being treated like we are insignificant. So many times it seemed like jobs people were hired to do, suddenly didn't mean much to them anymore.
You be left a lot out of our story, tried to sum it up. If you're still reading, THANK YOU !!
Finally for the even bigger head scratcher….
I emailed our lawyer asking him to show us the discovery. After almost two weeks, he sends an email and in it is two documents. First one is the neighbors complaint and the second is….MY LAST TWO COMPLAINTS!!

How does a court case 'pop up with a copy of my original complaint that I wrote out on 12/21 that was turned down by the judge? The CD is missing as well because I have it.

However the complaint, it's missing one important document I believe that's suppose to go along with it. (A probable cause doc signed by the judge or prosecutor!!)

Only thing I can think of as to why a case "exists" now suddenly is to cover someone's rear??
I don't know but the court date is Tuesday the 15th. I'm going to try my darnedest to be as ready as I can be to prosecute my case. It seems I was not given the courtesy of having the help of a prosecutor just as my neighbor has had.

I welcome any advice. I've left a lot out because of it being so lengthy already.
A few questions I'd like to ask:
Aren't I due the same type of courtesy as the Plaintiff in my husbands case with a prosecutor being assigned to my case as well?
Beings that this doesn't seem to be the way Municipal Court or any court for that matter is suppose to be run, it looks as if I'm going to have to go at this alone and be a lawyer, wife and a prosecutor so that I can attempt to prove my case and have Justice be served once and for all.
Because this trial is in Municipal court there's no Jury, however, could someone please tell me if there is still an opening statement?
Can anyone recommend any case law?
Am I right by thinking something is strange about the way my complaint showed up and only days away from the court date?

Thanks so so much for your time. I truly hope I didn't confuse anyone too much.

God Bless!
Hi, I'm giving this a try and hope that someone out there could help me. What I have been dealing with the past two years, I'm still scratching my head at. I'm not a lawyer but I sure did learn an awful lot with all the reading I've done. I'll try and keep this as short as possible.

I have one of those neighbors that makes you wish you bought a house with no neighbors for miles. Little did we know that he would turn our lives upside down.
There's too much to write, so I'll get right to my issue. I tried four times to file stalking charges on this man. Each time I was told by the judge that he wasn't enough, he needed more. So the last time that I went there was December 11th 2021. I gave him six instances with video and photo evidence to back up each of my claims. Instead of a complaint I got a call from the municipal clerk, telling me that the judge said to take my complaint to the state police barracks, and also told me the judge did not look at the CD. I was disgusted and confused. That was my last attempt to file a complaint. It takes too much out of me. I figured what's the use of even trying anymore. If he won't take a complaint with evidence to back it, there was no pleasing this judge.
A few weeks later, we received a harassment complaint in the mail signed by the same judge!! Now one problem I have with this is that the judge gave my neighbor probable cause with the only evidence being his wife signing as a witness!

What's more disgusting is all three charges. We have video evidence proving the complete opposite of what was stated in their complaint and proving my husband's innocence. Not concerned on that. Here is where it gets even more interesting.
Last year we hired 2 lawyer(s) gave them $5k to defend my husband and help me to get a stalking complaint filed. They never told us shortly after we hired them the two lawyers broke away from the firm. We found this out when a new zoom hearing was scheduled. No return phone calls until the day before court!
He really hasn't done much for my husband nor bother to look at the evidence that we have.
I believe this could of been thrown out long ago but know one seems to want to do there job anymore ‍♀️
So on the next zoom court date….I was prepared to show them the evidence and ask that the charges be dropped. Instead the Judge (whom wouldn't approve of any of my complaints) wouldn't allow me to speak, told me and my husband to talk to our lawyer and then kicked us out of the zoom meeting lol
No, I was not disrespectful in any way. I was beginning to think this Judge just did not like me and so, another month goes by, and another zoom date scheduled. On this day, again the lawyer that we hired, attends the meeting and agrees to a trial! All as my husband and I are waiting in the lobby but we're never let in until after they all had met and agreed on a trial

My husband and I have had enough of being treated like we are insignificant. So many times it seemed like jobs people were hired to do, suddenly didn't mean much to them anymore.
You be left a lot out of our story, tried to sum it up. If you're still reading, THANK YOU !!
Finally for the even bigger head scratcher….
I emailed our lawyer asking him to show us the discovery. After almost two weeks, he sends an email and in it is two documents. First one is the neighbors complaint and the second is….MY LAST TWO COMPLAINTS!!

How does a court case 'pop up with a copy of my original complaint that I wrote out on 12/21 that was turned down by the judge? The CD is missing as well because I have it.

However the complaint, it's missing one important document I believe that's suppose to go along with it. (A probable cause doc signed by the judge or prosecutor!!)

Only thing I can think of as to why a case "exists" now suddenly is to cover someone's rear??
I don't know but the court date is Tuesday the 15th. I'm going to try my darnedest to be as ready as I can be to prosecute my case. It seems I was not given the courtesy of having the help of a prosecutor just as my neighbor has had.

I welcome any advice. I've left a lot out because of it being so lengthy already.
A few questions I'd like to ask:
Aren't I due the same type of courtesy as the Plaintiff in my husbands case with a prosecutor being assigned to my case as well?
Beings that this doesn't seem to be the way Municipal Court or any court for that matter is suppose to be run, it looks as if I'm going to have to go at this alone and be a lawyer, wife and a prosecutor so that I can attempt to prove my case and have Justice be served once and for all.
Because this trial is in Municipal court there's no Jury, however, could someone please tell me if there is still an opening statement?
Can anyone recommend any case law?
Am I right by thinking something is strange about the way my complaint showed up and only days away from the court date?

Thanks so so much for your time. I truly hope I didn't confuse anyone too much.

God Bless!

What do you mean by you "filed a complaint"?

Did you actually sue the guy?

Some other process?

Thanks for replying. I apologize, it's very difficult to explain, in a short summary , as I myself don't understand why some things have gone the way they did. I'm a strong, outspoken woman. However, the past 2 years has taken a toll. I always try to do the right thing. I expected the law and the Judicial system to help. In our case I think it's done more damage than good.
I am in no way trying to throw anyone under the bus. I'm not here to bash on Attorneys, Judges, Prosecutors or the State Police. I'm here seeking advice as I feel my options are slim. As I try to explain in more detail, I will try and use more proper terminology. Please be patient as again, I am not an attorney. Just a mother, grandmother and a wife seeking critical help for my family and myself. I will try to answer everyone's questions as best as I can. I've been to the police station numerous times, they've also been to our home, I've been to the Municipal Clerk numerous times and I've spoken to 2 Prosecutors. Our Attorney, that's a whole other issue in of itself. Yes we gave him a retainer, however, he doesn't return our calls or texts, and emails he finally sent me an email days before the court date with the discovery I asked for because we still have not seen it. So he included in that email. You original complaint from the neighbor which we've seen already and original complaint that I had tried to get the judge to except back in December of '21. (I mentioned that in my original post.) I don't know why but all the sudden we have a case and it's based on my complaint on 12/21. I'll upload the original email, redacted of course and I'll try to give some more detail on my issue.
Just going to grab a cup of coffee quick

What do you mean by you "filed a complaint"?

Did you actually sue the guy?

Some other process?

Thanks for replying. No, I didn't sue the guy yet. It took over 2 years just to get in front of a Judge


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I tried four times to file stalking charges on this man.
How exactly did you file stalking charges and how did it get before the judge?

I was going to write a description of the entire civilian complaint process in NJ but decided not to. Instead read the information from the following link:

LSNJLAW - Resolving Disputes Through Private Citizen Complaints

What I will say is that in some cases the process is corrupt. A judge in municipal court may know the defendant, protect them, and make it impossible to find probable cause. And instead of having a hearing where you can testify and submit evidence, you only get to talk to the judge informally and there is no hearing with a transcript.

I'm not speculating here. I know from being in municipal government for 13 years and from filing a complaint against a municipal official when the prosecutor wouldn't act. When our municipal judge saw the complaint and certification he would not hear the case. Instead he moved the hearing to a neighboring municipal court so there would be no conflicts. That court found probable cause. Because the alleged crime was an indictable offence the case was heard by a grand jury and they handed up a Bill.

Then it went to trial in superior court and the defendant was found guilty.

The civilian complaint works well in NJ if it is an honest process.

Something is not above board in what you described but it may be too late for you to get justice.

Good luck and you can file a complaint when all is said and done.
State of New Jersey.

I read your last post that said it took you 2 years to get before the judge. NJ supreme court says they have 45 days to hold the probable cause hearing.
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How exactly did you file stalking charges and how did it get before the judge?

I was going to write a description of the entire civilian complaint process in NJ but decided not to. Instead read the information from the following link:

LSNJLAW - Resolving Disputes Through Private Citizen Complaints

What I will say is that in some cases the process is corrupt. A judge in municipal court may know the defendant, protect them, and make it impossible to find probable cause. And instead of having a hearing where you can testify and submit evidence, you only get to talk to the judge informally and there is no hearing with a transcript.

I'm not speculating here. I know from being in municipal government for 13 years and from filing a complaint against a municipal official when the prosecutor wouldn't act. When our municipal judge saw the complaint and certification he would not hear the case. Instead he moved the hearing to a neighboring municipal court so there would be no conflicts. That court found probable cause. Because the alleged crime was an indictable offence the case was heard by a grand jury and they handed up a Bill.

Then it went to trial in superior court and the defendant was found guilty.

The civilian complaint works well in NJ if it is an honest process.

Something is not above board in what you described but it may be too late for you to get justice.

Good luck and you can file a complaint when all is said and done.
State of New Jersey.

I read your last post that said it took you 2 years to get before the judge. NJ supreme court says they have 45 days to hold the probable cause hearing.

Thank you for your reply and sharing that information with me! It brought tears to my eyes to be honest because you're 100% correct and that truly sad part of it is I had tried to file a private citizen complaint back in 9/2020. I've told you nothing about the Defendant and I'd like to share that the reason I considered it Stalking is because he does stalk my daughter, myself, my husband son. He shows up at places they go to, or intimidates using his truck (it's loud), he has been caught taking pictures of us in our backyard (in order for him to do so he has to cross the border into PA, walk down the railroad tracks in order to see any of our back yard……we live on the Delaware) he hides behind his truck and watches us if any of us are outside. tried to run into my husband with a tractor and plow when my husband was plowing our roadI …I could go on and on. In the beginning it was Harrassment, however, it has evolved into Stalking. I had also taken this man to court in 2008 for Harassment. The Judicial system worked for us then. The Judge was going to put him in jail, the judge left the choice up to me. Jail or let him go. That's the moment I made the worst mistake of my life. I told the judge I would let him go because he seemed remorseful and he had two children at home. (They had just moved in next door, it had only been a year) and so the judge stated to him, and this is his exact words "if I ever see you back in this court room again for this, you're going to jail"

Now here I am again, however, that judge has since passed away. God rest his soul. There's a new Judge now! It seemed once the other judge that saw him in the quart room passed away. He started back up again, doing the same thing that he did in 2008 but worse.

May I ask you this, what is the municipal court supposed to accept my complaint the first time I tried? This wouldn't have gone on for so long if they did.
I'm uploading the "complaint" that our "Attorney" sent to me.
*NOTE: it's the very complaint I talked about in my first post that I had a CD with photos and videos to back my claim.
I apologize my handwriting was very bad then I was under a lot of stress. And since that complain a lot more has happened and he started following us outside of our home.
I'm also including the email from our "Attorney" (I don't consider him anything because he doesn't talk to us about the case whatsoever) and so I'm left to believe I have to prepare to defend my husband as well as have a "case" put together at the end, ready to present to the judge because this man should not be allowed to get away with what he has done to my myself and my family.


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Thank you for your reply and sharing that information with me! It brought tears to my eyes to be honest because you're 100% correct and that truly sad part of it is I had tried to file a private citizen complaint back in 9/2020. I've told you nothing about the Defendant and I'd like to share that the reason I considered it Stalking is because he does stalk my daughter, myself, my husband son. He shows up at places they go to, or intimidates using his truck (it's loud), he has been caught taking pictures of us in our backyard (in order for him to do so he has to cross the border into PA, walk down the railroad tracks in order to see any of our back yard……we live on the Delaware) he hides behind his truck and watches us if any of us are outside. tried to run into my husband with a tractor and plow when my husband was plowing our roadI …I could go on and on. In the beginning it was Harrassment, however, it has evolved into Stalking. I had also taken this man to court in 2008 for Harassment. The Judicial system worked for us then. The Judge was going to put him in jail, the judge left the choice up to me. Jail or let him go. That's the moment I made the worst mistake of my life. I told the judge I would let him go because he seemed remorseful and he had two children at home. (They had just moved in next door, it had only been a year) and so the judge stated to him, and this is his exact words "if I ever see you back in this court room again for this, you're going to jail"

Now here I am again, however, that judge has since passed away. God rest his soul. There's a new Judge now! It seemed once the other judge that saw him in the quart room passed away. He started back up again, doing the same thing that he did in 2008 but worse.

May I ask you this, what is the municipal court supposed to accept my complaint the first time I tried? This wouldn't have gone on for so long if they did.
I'm uploading the "complaint" that our "Attorney" sent to me.
*NOTE: it's the very complaint I talked about in my first post that I had a CD with photos and videos to back my claim.
I apologize my handwriting was very bad then I was under a lot of stress. And since that complain a lot more has happened and he started following us outside of our home.
I'm also including the email from our "Attorney" (I don't consider him anything because he doesn't talk to us about the case whatsoever) and so I'm left to believe I have to prepare to defend my husband as well as have a "case" put together at the end, ready to present to the judge because this man should not be allowed to get away with what he has done to my myself and my family.

Sorry, new to all this.


Simplify matters, as suggested previously, report your concerns to the state Police.

Regarding your lengthy missive, you have retained an attorney.

It is wise to seek ALL counsel and guidance from the attorney you've got on retainer.

Going forward, learn to IGNORE "stupid", "rude", and "crass" subhumans!!!

Thank you! Yes I have retained an Attorney, however, the court date is Tuesday. I don't believe that not having your case ready for court is good practice, in my opinion. The Attorney hasn't asked to see or asked about our defense and evidence that we have. He hasn't spoken to my husband in over a year.
In "normal" circumstances, yes I agree, consult with your Attorney if you have one, always. In this circumstance, not doable.
Thanks for your reply. I appreciate each and every one. My circumstance is somewhat unique, I think. I highly value the opinion of others. There's too many unknowns with our situation unfortunately.
How exactly did you file stalking charges and how did it get before the judge?

I was going to write a description of the entire civilian complaint process in NJ but decided not to. Instead read the information from the following link:

LSNJLAW - Resolving Disputes Through Private Citizen Complaints

What I will say is that in some cases the process is corrupt. A judge in municipal court may know the defendant, protect them, and make it impossible to find probable cause. And instead of having a hearing where you can testify and submit evidence, you only get to talk to the judge informally and there is no hearing with a transcript.

I'm not speculating here. I know from being in municipal government for 13 years and from filing a complaint against a municipal official when the prosecutor wouldn't act. When our municipal judge saw the complaint and certification he would not hear the case. Instead he moved the hearing to a neighboring municipal court so there would be no conflicts. That court found probable cause. Because the alleged crime was an indictable offence the case was heard by a grand jury and they handed up a Bill.

Then it went to trial in superior court and the defendant was found guilty.

The civilian complaint works well in NJ if it is an honest process.

Something is not above board in what you described but it may be too late for you to get justice.

Good luck and you can file a complaint when all is said and done.
State of New Jersey.

I read your last post that said it took you 2 years to get before the judge. NJ supreme court says they have 45 days to hold the probable cause hearing.

It's going before the judge Tuesday. I have no clue how that came about. I just wish I knew what to expect so that I can prepare.
It's going before the judge Tuesday. I have no clue how that came about. I just wish I knew what to expect so that I can prepare.

What convinced you that you should attempt to prosecute the other party, rather than filing a report with the State Police?

Frankly, if things are as you describe, the matter is best resolved by following the normal, accepted, manner using the applicable law enforcement agency.
What convinced you that you should attempt to prosecute the other party, rather than filing a report with the State Police?

Frankly, if things are as you describe, the matter is best resolved by following the normal, accepted, manner using the applicable law enforcement agency.
The fact that I was told in an email that I have a case being heard on Tuesday @10am was enough to convince me as well as the fact that there's no prosecutor because the townships prosecutor had already stated to the judge he can't help both sides for obvious reasons.

You ask if I tried following the "normal, accepted, manner"…..

I thought that's what I was doing….however….that manner doesn't seem to exist where I needed to go.

The State Police….yes, I tried to file with the State Police a few times. They tell me they don't file complaints that I need to go to Municipal….so yes I tried there….first time I tried municipal clerk called and told me Judge said he needed more dates….I gave more dates then was told to take it to the State Police and file…I even have a recording of what they said to me. After they had told me again the same thing….I told them I was afraid for our safety, I looked right into there cameras at the end and told them they are responsible if something happens to one of us because of this man! (That was the first time I've ever felt vulnerable and unprotected by the very people I thought were suppose to protect me if I ever needed them. I always have appreciated law enforcement and what they do everyday. Anytime I saw an officer I thanked them for their service. I'm not one of those people calling to defund the police. Goodness what a mess that would be!
… apologies…I let my emotions get the best of me. It's so aggravating thinking about all the wasted time I spent.

i did that circle 3 times and on the 4th I gave up!!
Would you like to hear what happened on the 4th try?
This time really threw me for a loop.
I made another attempt to speak with a prosecutor only this time I left out that it was my neighbor. By doing so the person seemed concerned and gave me a number to call and also asked for my information. She states she would pass on my information and someone would call if they would like to speak with me. Do you know it took two mins. for my phone to ring? I picked up the phone and explained my situation and that all I wanted to do was to present my evidence because this man is stalking my family and it was escalating more and more. The prosecutor told me to…file a complaint in Municipal….I told him how I tried etc He then tells me to call the State Police and make an appointment with an investigator and have all my evidence ready to bring and show them.
…..I felt like I might of gotten somewhere finally!!! So, I felt it be better to go in person and ask for an appointment. I drive to the station and go inside….The first officer I thought was going to help me….No he comes back out with another officer…that officer tells me to explain in detail how I got there….‍♀️
Confused at why he would want me to put that in a complain form but that's what they wanted so that's what I gave them. I figured I was finally going to speak with an investigator and show him my evidence, filling out more paperwork explaining what I had been through couldn't hurt.
A bunch of paper and 3 hours later. I hand it to yet a different officer that came from behind the door. I stood up, handed it to him and before I said anything, I could tell just what was going to happen next!! Yes you guessed it…he said GO TO MUNICIPAL…we can't do anything and don't know why the prosecutor sent you here.

Can I ask you….do you see why I feel like I have to prepare to show my evidence in court Tuesday?? I fought tooth and nail to follow the proper way of reporting someone for committing a crime(s)

None of my complaints were excepted. However the very last one that I wrote out that had a CD of evidence on it to back my claim, suddenly that shows up in an email from my lawyer for discovery for us?? Seems someone made a copy of it but it wasn't good enough to except.

Someone had replied to my post with a link explaining how the NJ Supreme Court ruled on citizens complaints. Boy wa sI ever surprised to read what it said!!!

LSNJLAW - Resolving Disputes Through Private Citizen Complaints
All over this country, day after day, people dial 9-1-1 to request police services.

9-1-1 Call Volume:
An estimated 240 million calls are made to 9-1-1 in the U.S. each year. In many areas, 80% or more are from wireless devices.

That equates to 657,535 such calls everyday in the USA.

I'm at a loss to understand WHY you didn't do what 240,000,000 people do annually, SIMPLY call 911.

It works, it saves lives, people get a rapid response.

Barring simply calling 9-1-1, you could have walked into the appropriate police agency and reported a crime.

Yet you chose to seek a somewhat novel, if not archaic option, citizen prosecution.

No need to respond to my comments, I'm just flabbergasted when people do bizarre things and expect common results!
All over this country, day after day, people dial 9-1-1 to request police services.

9-1-1 Call Volume:
An estimated 240 million calls are made to 9-1-1 in the U.S. each year. In many areas, 80% or more are from wireless devices.

That equates to 657,535 such calls everyday in the USA.

I'm at a loss to understand WHY you didn't do what 240,000,000 people do annually, SIMPLY call 911.

It works, it saves lives, people get a rapid response.

Barring simply calling 9-1-1, you could have walked into the appropriate police agency and reported a crime.

Yet you chose to seek a somewhat novel, if not archaic option, citizen prosecution.

No need to respond to my comments, I'm just flabbergasted when people do bizarre things and expect common results!

Yes we've called 911! My daughters called 911 and you know what they tell us? There's nothing they can do!

Maybe you should read up on Stalking.

Definition & FAQ | Stalking Awareness & Prevention | SPARC

Everyone has a story, just sometimes their story can't be explained in 5 paragraphs.

No response needed from you please. You're of no help. Tuesday is coming fast.
Yes we've called 911! My daughters called 911 and you know what they tell us? There's nothing they can do!

Maybe you should read up on Stalking.

Definition & FAQ | Stalking Awareness & Prevention | SPARC

Everyone has a story, just sometimes their story can't be explained in 5 paragraphs.

No response needed from you please. You're of no help. Tuesday is coming fast.
Please answer the questions I asked in post # 13. Thank you.

You are, of course, free to ignore a volunteer of this site...but if you choose to respond to one I suggest you be civil. Especially when that Volunteer has the Title "Super Moderator" under his name and is an Attorney.
How did you meet this "stalker"? Why is he doing this?

Try to make your posts succinct.
Our Neighbor. If your read all my posts I've attached complaints etc to help explain our issue.
Why is he doing this you ask, intimidation, fear, bully,

We found out he did this to other people he had lived next to just nothing to this extent.

New Jerseys laws on Stalking isn't as tough as some other states. Some states relate Stalking to Domestic. However, a Stalker can be anyone. I'm fighting a battle trying to educate my local law enforcement and at the same time help my family and myself to stay safe.
There's a Bill awaiting to be signed in the NJ legislature that allows people to apply for a TRO on other people including neighbors and not just there ex-husband/wife, ex-boyfriend/girlfriend. Although who knows how long that will take or if it passes.

It hasn't been easy dealing with this for almost 5 years. We ignored it hoping he would just leave us alone. That hasn't been the case at all. He's now retired, with more time on his hands.He even harasses our neighbors or anyone that comes to our home, friends, family, delivery drivers, garbage pick up, etc etc.
Moving right now is out of the question for reasons out of our control, in the future most definitely.

Hope I answered your question. Thanks for your reply. God Bless!
Please answer the questions I asked in post # 13. Thank you.

You are, of course, free to ignore a volunteer of this site...but if you choose to respond to one I suggest you be civil. Especially when that Volunteer has the Title "Super Moderator" under his name and is an Attorney.
I did answer you and yes I was civil. Thanks.
Thank you! Yes I have retained an Attorney, however, the court date is Tuesday. I don't believe that not having your case ready for court is good practice, in my opinion. The Attorney hasn't asked to see or asked about our defense and evidence that we have. He hasn't spoken to my husband in over a year.
In "normal" circumstances, yes I agree, consult with your Attorney if you have one, always. In this circumstance, not doable.
Thanks for your reply. I appreciate each and every one. My circumstance is somewhat unique, I think. I highly value the opinion of others. There's too many unknowns with our situation unfortunately.

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