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- Jurisdiction
- New Jersey
Hi, I'm giving this a try and hope that someone out there could help me. What I have been dealing with the past two years, I'm still scratching my head at. I'm not a lawyer but I sure did learn an awful lot with all the reading I've done. I'll try and keep this as short as possible.
I have one of those neighbors that makes you wish you bought a house with no neighbors for miles. Little did we know that he would turn our lives upside down.
There's too much to write, so I'll get right to my issue. I tried four times to file stalking charges on this man. Each time I was told by the judge that he wasn't enough, he needed more. So the last time that I went there was December 11th 2021. I gave him six instances with video and photo evidence to back up each of my claims. Instead of a complaint I got a call from the municipal clerk, telling me that the judge said to take my complaint to the state police barracks, and also told me the judge did not look at the CD. I was disgusted and confused. That was my last attempt to file a complaint. It takes too much out of me. I figured what's the use of even trying anymore. If he won't take a complaint with evidence to back it, there was no pleasing this judge.
A few weeks later, we received a harassment complaint in the mail signed by the same judge!! Now one problem I have with this is that the judge gave my neighbor probable cause with the only evidence being his wife signing as a witness!
What's more disgusting is all three charges. We have video evidence proving the complete opposite of what was stated in their complaint and proving my husband's innocence. Not concerned on that. Here is where it gets even more interesting.
Last year we hired 2 lawyer(s) gave them $5k to defend my husband and help me to get a stalking complaint filed. They never told us shortly after we hired them the two lawyers broke away from the firm. We found this out when a new zoom hearing was scheduled. No return phone calls until the day before court!
He really hasn't done much for my husband nor bother to look at the evidence that we have.
I believe this could of been thrown out long ago but know one seems to want to do there job anymore 
So on the next zoom court date….I was prepared to show them the evidence and ask that the charges be dropped. Instead the Judge (whom wouldn't approve of any of my complaints) wouldn't allow me to speak, told me and my husband to talk to our lawyer and then kicked us out of the zoom meeting lol
No, I was not disrespectful in any way. I was beginning to think this Judge just did not like me and so, another month goes by, and another zoom date scheduled. On this day, again the lawyer that we hired, attends the meeting and agrees to a trial! All as my husband and I are waiting in the lobby but we're never let in until after they all had met and agreed on a trial
My husband and I have had enough of being treated like we are insignificant. So many times it seemed like jobs people were hired to do, suddenly didn't mean much to them anymore.
You be left a lot out of our story, tried to sum it up. If you're still reading, THANK YOU !!
Finally for the even bigger head scratcher….
I emailed our lawyer asking him to show us the discovery. After almost two weeks, he sends an email and in it is two documents. First one is the neighbors complaint and the second is….MY LAST TWO COMPLAINTS!!
How does a court case 'pop up with a copy of my original complaint that I wrote out on 12/21 that was turned down by the judge? The CD is missing as well because I have it.
However the complaint, it's missing one important document I believe that's suppose to go along with it. (A probable cause doc signed by the judge or prosecutor!!)
Only thing I can think of as to why a case "exists" now suddenly is to cover someone's rear??
I don't know but the court date is Tuesday the 15th. I'm going to try my darnedest to be as ready as I can be to prosecute my case. It seems I was not given the courtesy of having the help of a prosecutor just as my neighbor has had.
I welcome any advice. I've left a lot out because of it being so lengthy already.
A few questions I'd like to ask:
Aren't I due the same type of courtesy as the Plaintiff in my husbands case with a prosecutor being assigned to my case as well?
Beings that this doesn't seem to be the way Municipal Court or any court for that matter is suppose to be run, it looks as if I'm going to have to go at this alone and be a lawyer, wife and a prosecutor so that I can attempt to prove my case and have Justice be served once and for all.
Because this trial is in Municipal court there's no Jury, however, could someone please tell me if there is still an opening statement?
Can anyone recommend any case law?
Am I right by thinking something is strange about the way my complaint showed up and only days away from the court date?
Thanks so so much for your time. I truly hope I didn't confuse anyone too much.
God Bless!
I have one of those neighbors that makes you wish you bought a house with no neighbors for miles. Little did we know that he would turn our lives upside down.
There's too much to write, so I'll get right to my issue. I tried four times to file stalking charges on this man. Each time I was told by the judge that he wasn't enough, he needed more. So the last time that I went there was December 11th 2021. I gave him six instances with video and photo evidence to back up each of my claims. Instead of a complaint I got a call from the municipal clerk, telling me that the judge said to take my complaint to the state police barracks, and also told me the judge did not look at the CD. I was disgusted and confused. That was my last attempt to file a complaint. It takes too much out of me. I figured what's the use of even trying anymore. If he won't take a complaint with evidence to back it, there was no pleasing this judge.
A few weeks later, we received a harassment complaint in the mail signed by the same judge!! Now one problem I have with this is that the judge gave my neighbor probable cause with the only evidence being his wife signing as a witness!
What's more disgusting is all three charges. We have video evidence proving the complete opposite of what was stated in their complaint and proving my husband's innocence. Not concerned on that. Here is where it gets even more interesting.
Last year we hired 2 lawyer(s) gave them $5k to defend my husband and help me to get a stalking complaint filed. They never told us shortly after we hired them the two lawyers broke away from the firm. We found this out when a new zoom hearing was scheduled. No return phone calls until the day before court!
He really hasn't done much for my husband nor bother to look at the evidence that we have.
I believe this could of been thrown out long ago but know one seems to want to do there job anymore

So on the next zoom court date….I was prepared to show them the evidence and ask that the charges be dropped. Instead the Judge (whom wouldn't approve of any of my complaints) wouldn't allow me to speak, told me and my husband to talk to our lawyer and then kicked us out of the zoom meeting lol
No, I was not disrespectful in any way. I was beginning to think this Judge just did not like me and so, another month goes by, and another zoom date scheduled. On this day, again the lawyer that we hired, attends the meeting and agrees to a trial! All as my husband and I are waiting in the lobby but we're never let in until after they all had met and agreed on a trial
My husband and I have had enough of being treated like we are insignificant. So many times it seemed like jobs people were hired to do, suddenly didn't mean much to them anymore.
You be left a lot out of our story, tried to sum it up. If you're still reading, THANK YOU !!
Finally for the even bigger head scratcher….
I emailed our lawyer asking him to show us the discovery. After almost two weeks, he sends an email and in it is two documents. First one is the neighbors complaint and the second is….MY LAST TWO COMPLAINTS!!
How does a court case 'pop up with a copy of my original complaint that I wrote out on 12/21 that was turned down by the judge? The CD is missing as well because I have it.
However the complaint, it's missing one important document I believe that's suppose to go along with it. (A probable cause doc signed by the judge or prosecutor!!)
Only thing I can think of as to why a case "exists" now suddenly is to cover someone's rear??
I don't know but the court date is Tuesday the 15th. I'm going to try my darnedest to be as ready as I can be to prosecute my case. It seems I was not given the courtesy of having the help of a prosecutor just as my neighbor has had.
I welcome any advice. I've left a lot out because of it being so lengthy already.
A few questions I'd like to ask:
Aren't I due the same type of courtesy as the Plaintiff in my husbands case with a prosecutor being assigned to my case as well?
Beings that this doesn't seem to be the way Municipal Court or any court for that matter is suppose to be run, it looks as if I'm going to have to go at this alone and be a lawyer, wife and a prosecutor so that I can attempt to prove my case and have Justice be served once and for all.
Because this trial is in Municipal court there's no Jury, however, could someone please tell me if there is still an opening statement?
Can anyone recommend any case law?
Am I right by thinking something is strange about the way my complaint showed up and only days away from the court date?
Thanks so so much for your time. I truly hope I didn't confuse anyone too much.
God Bless!