Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant No search, No Consent, just SEIZURE!

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Hi, im in MN and i got a minor consumption and possession of alcoholic beverage. The only things i have on my record are 2 speeding tickets.

im a freshman in college. last weekend i went home, got drunk and went to our schools homecoming football game. While waiting in line for the bathroom with one of my freinds, i was approached by 2 police officers and asked to come with them. I was VERY cooperative and went with them. I asked what the problem was and one of the officers said somthing about one of the probation officers present at the game had reported me "staggering". So they take me outside the game to their black ford taurus, get the machine out of the trunk and breath'd me. I blew a .126. At this time there were 2 cops and the my principal present. As i was standing there, one of the officers grabbed a bottle of coke out of my back pocket and asked me "what is this?" I said i didnt know after which he opened it and smelled it. I was not placed under arrest, i was not asked if they could search me, and the bottle was simply plucked out of the back of my pocket.

After testing positive for alcohol, can they just grab what ever they want out of my pocket? Only the top portion of the coke bottle was visible, as it was all the way in my pocket. Can i plead guilty to the consumption, and innocent to the possesion on the grounds of illegal search and seizure? Dont the cops have to ask before they search me let alone TAKE somthing off my person?

any replies are greatly appreciated
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You had cocaine in your possession. What do you expect?

Anything else they have to formulate a justification for search based on protection, securing evidence, or policy/law guidelines.

Anything that is visible is fair game.
Wolfmann said:
You had cocaine in your possession. What do you expect?

Anything else they have to formulate a justification for search based on protection, securing evidence, or policy/law guidelines.

Anything that is visible is fair game.
3 months later HI!! what a wonderful forum!

Your kidding... right dude? Seeing as how i was drinking Captians, it was a bottle of Coke... like the pop. Last time i checked people dont carry crack around in bottles. Good try tho
First off. If they placed you under arrest for say public intox and then searched you. Then your done for. If they did not place you under arrest before they found it, then they did not perform a terry frisk and you could win. Remember though, you can be under arrest and not have handcuffs on, so dont base it on that. I would say get a good lawyer and pray.
4 months later... thanks dude i already paid the fine and moved on. this forum should work on that whole punctuality thing... yeah about that. Im going to need you to go ahead and move your desk to the basement. yeahhhhhh
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