No Smoking?

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My husband and I have been living in our current apartment in Sherman Oaks, CA for almost 2 years now. We previously lived in the apartment next door with his family. We got along with all of our neighbors, so naturally, when another apartment in the complex became available we took it.

The month after we moved in we started having issues with our upstairs neighbor. My husband is a smoker, as are some of our friends and family that visit us from time to time. Our neighbor started leaving us threatening notes and coming to our door whenever she felt the need to complain about the smoke levels even going so far as having a screaming match saying that my husband is murdering me with his evil smoke.

My husband doesn't smoke a pack a day, or even a pack a week. We have no connecting vents, or any other way of any smoke to get into her apartment. We also have an air purifier on 99% of the time.

She asked my husband to cut down on his smoking and for him and our guests to smoke outside only. This worked for about 2 days before she claimed the outside smoke was worse and instead didn't want anyone to smoke. She also claimed that marijuana was being smoked constantly which is complete bull. I don't even allow drugs in my home.

She told the landlord the smoking was making her sick and insisted he speak with us. We spoke with him a couple times on the matter (mainly because of all the harassment we've had to endure living here.) and he said she has no say in the matter, my husband and guests can smoke whenever they want, where ever they want.

Things were pretty quiet for a while but as recently as yesterday shes telling the maintanence workers that we have weed, we're abusive to our cats, and we're horrible people etc etc.

What can I do to end the harassment? The landlord refuses to step in any further and nothing we do or say seems to even matter.
You are doing the WRONG need to smoke MORE so that THEY WILL LEAVE!!!

You have been considerate of their feelings * real or imagined * so no more Mr. Nice Guy....let them have it!!!!

Time to get that new GRILLE from Home Depot and smoke em out!!!
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