No witness , no proof , now what?

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I have been working at Pizza Hut for the past 10 months. I'm a hard worker and very trustworthy. However last week the manager on duty Mr.? tried to kiss me,I was sitting at a desk waiting for my ride, when he grabbed my face and pulled me towards him I moved my face away and said "whats wrong with you gett away from me" he then proceeded to try 2 more times and left me alone. My ride got there a minute after and I left . I sent him a text saying "you better not try and do that again im serious" he responded by text message saying "im sorry it wont". The next day i worked with him again and he apologized in person. I brought this information up to my manager who immediatly spoke with Mr. ?, the problem is that he denied everything . There were no witnesses and i ignorantly deleted the text message that Mr. Dunlap sent me apologizing. Now the company is asking for the text messages and i have no proof.
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Without proof, you won't be believed.
If you don't want to be mauled, or worse, quit.
He will do it again, perhaps not to you, but he will do it again.

You could always go to the police.
You could offer to take a polygraph test.
But, since he didn't molest you, they most likely won't be able to do much to him.
I'd just quit and avoid something worse.

The phone company might be able to reconstruct the message, if the police were to ask them.
Contact the police!

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I'm afraid I must differ with the good AJ on this occasion. There are other answers besides quitting.

The main question here is not, can you show proof. The main question is not even, do they believe you. The main question here is, does the offending behavior stop.

If it does, the company has met its legal obligation. They are not required to fire him, or to transfer one or the other of you, or even to tell you what action they took. They are not required to "believe" you. They are required to make the offending behavior stop.

If it does, all is well.

If it does not, you tell them again, and this time you do not erase anything.

If the offending behavior then stops, all is well.

If it does not, you then go to the EEOC and file a complaint of sexual harassment. And if you are subsequently fired for reasons that cannot be substantiated, you go back to the EEOC and you amend your complaint to include a claim of wrongful termination.

FYI, it would be illegal for the employer to give you a polygraph under these circumstances, even if you offered. There are only limited circumstances under which an employer may legally use, or cause to be used, a polygraph, and this is not one of those circumstances.
cbg, I've seen this before.
This is a setup, if the OP isn't careful.
The police can be a great asset in these cases.
Of course, her employer can't make her take a poly.
But, the police can effect one for her.
The police can also retrieve those messages she thought she erased.
Besides, its a lousy job at a pizza joint.
I would want my daughter out of there permanently.
I wouldn't want a deviate mauling her.
At $7 an hour, it isn't worth it.
It wouldn't be worth it at $700,000 an hour, either!
People should not have to suffer such assaults because they want to or need to work!
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I didn't say she shouldn't go to the police. I said that quitting was not the only answer.

It is possible to go to the police and still not quit. It's not one or the other. She has other options and she can take them. Nothing says she has to choose one and only one.

She shouldn't have to quit her job because of sexual harassment, either. That's why we HAVE sexual harassment laws, so she won't have to.

Even if the police do give her a poly at her request, it is not binding on the employer.
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I didn't say she shouldn't go to the police. I said that quitting was not the only answer.

It is possible to go to the police and still not quit. It's not one or the other. She has other options and she can take them. Nothing says she has to choose one and only one.

She shouldn't have to quit her job because of sexual harassment, either. That's why we HAVE sexual harassment laws, so she won't have to.

Even if the police do give her a poly at her request, it is not binding on the employer.

I agree.
All I'm saying is I wouldn't want my daughter or son working for creeps like that.
I'd get my daughter or son out of there ASAP
Besides, I'm sure she can go somewhere else and make $7 an hour.
Working in joints like that aren't careers.
Every time I hear stories like that, my heart breaks.
No one should have to endure thing like that creep did to her.
I hope it works out for her.
I hate creeps that do things (or worse) to people because they are 'bosses'.
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