Consumer Fraud Non disclosure of an auto repair

You chose the shop.
It sounds like you chose a lesser quality shop to try and save some money.
I understand your complaint as it is common. Ultimately the things you are unhappy about point back to you and your failure to obtain any additional cost estimates or inspections.
You have good reason to be upset, but you have not provided anything that I have seen that indicates the shop did anything wrong.
Who doesn't want to save money , only a few , the rich people , millionaires like you , or are you ? I didnt ask more information? What part of English did you not understand that i did !
In the future, shop around a bit and get a few estimates before authorizing repairs.

I believe this is where you went wrong.
You asked all your questions of the same source. It senlems even now you are still relying on the information given by that same source.
Get a second opinion from another mechanic.