Non payment of time worked

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I am not sure what steps we need to take. My boyfriend works for a labor company that finds you work on a daily bases. Upon working with a moving company for a day they offered him a job through thier temp service. He completed an application and worked for the next 2 weeks. When he didn't recieve a check he contacted the supervisor of the moving company who told him they failed to send his application into the temp service. They told him he should recieve a check in the mail by the end of the following week. He worked almost another full week before they laid him off at the end of the 4th day. He would have received another check the next day. So, they owe him a total of 14 days or 3 checks. It has been almost 2 weeks since he last worked there. What steps should be taken to get them to pay up.
Your boyfriend should contact his State's Department of Labor and file a complaint against the company for his unpaid wages.
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