Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Non-sexual fetish audio legality

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I'm writing a research paper on nonsexual fetishes, and am particularly curious about the legality surrounding the topic. By nonsexual fetish, I'm referring to something that patently has no explicit sex or exposed genitalia. An example of this could be a giantess transformation - a woman turning into a giant.

Written works are generally safe in the US unless beyond extreme, but I'm curious about audio performances. For this example, let's say the performance consists of the voice actress growing, describing the process, maybe explaining that it feels amazing - perhaps detailing how long her legs are becoming. Magically she remains clothed, or at least decent (maybe her shirt sleeves rip off, but she isn't topless). There would be no description of genitalia; perhaps she utters a groan of enjoyment.

Is there any major nation where this could be considered illegal? In the US it can't be pornographic since there is no visual element, and it seems difficult to pass the Miller test - in particular there is no explicit sexual act for stature 2, and I'm unsure how if it would pass 1 or 3 either.

Some other questions:

- If this performance was sold for money, would this change anything?
- What if the performer was underage? (Say it was fully consensual) would this change anything?
- If this isn't illegal, what would cause it to become illegal?
- What if the performance is sold for money? Same question as above - does this change if the performer is underage?

Also, if it breaks any laws, please cite the specific example. I've looked into obscenity and fetish cases in the US, but couldn't find anything remotely similar.

Thanks in advance!
An example of this could be a giantess transformation - a woman turning into a giant.

That sounds more like science fiction than a fetish.

Seems like a ridiculous topic, especially for this forum. Why you think there are any legal issues involved with this I don't know.
That sounds more like science fiction than a fetish.

Seems like a ridiculous topic, especially for this forum. Why you think there are any legal issues involved with this I don't know.

Made an account to reply.

I understand it may seem ridiculous, but like the question states/hints at, it serves a sexual fetish. My question is if there are any countries where such content could be deemed inappropriate; also if an underage performer willingly voicing the lines could break any laws.

My paper is exploring the law around this stuff. On a related note, has there ever been a successfully prosecuted case for production of Obscene Audio? The only one I've found is related to a rapper in the 90s, but it seems the case was eventually dismissed. I've only found 2 cases of obscenity production of the written word. What would cause a prosecution of obscene audio? Would the feds ever bother with such a thing?

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