Their only hope for a life apart is to relocate to the US and become permanent residents and then citizens.
There are dozens of other countries, some much closer to the PI, where a divorce can be obtained cheaply and rapidly.
One just has to do the research.
For example, Guam comes to mind:
A "Guam 7-Day Residency Divorce" is ideal for married couples residing outside of Guam who wish to use the Guam Court system to obtain a United States divorce. Under Guam law, if both non-resident spouses consent to divorce on Guam, agree to the terms of the divorce, and if one spouse comes to Guam for a minimum stay of seven consecutive days and nights, they can obtain their divorce on the island.
1) Alaska = Potential time to divorce: 30 days (1 month)
2) Nevada = Potential time to divorce: 42 days (6 weeks)
3) South Dakota
Potential time to divorce: 60 days (2 months)
South Dakota has no residency requirement and a relatively short 60-day waiting period.
4) Idaho = Potential time to divorce: 62 days (just under 9 weeks)
Like Nevada, Idaho is one of a handful of community property states, where spouses
equally own all assets and debts acquired during a marriage. In an uncontested, no-fault divorce, those assets and debts will generally be split evenly between the spouses. So, bickering over who gets what won't be an issue if you get divorced in Idaho or Nevada. Also, Idaho has a 6-week residency requirement and a short divorce processing time of 20 days.
5) Wyoming
Potential time to divorce: 80 days (just over 11 weeks)
You must live in Wyoming for 60 days before filing for divorce.
6) New Hampshire
Potential time to divorce: 1 year for non-residents, 0 for residents
The Dominican Republic is one country that attracts people who want to untie their knot quickly via a "special divorce." However, don't think you can fly nonstop from Miami to the Caribbean, sign some papers, and finish. The "quickie" procedure only applies to a divorce by mutual consent. The couple has to formally agree in writing to get a Dominican Republican divorce. Then, they have to sign a formal separation agreement, and follow all other procedural requirements. One spouse has to physically appear at the hearing in the capital city of Santo Domingo. The other can also attend or have representation in the form of an attorney.
More on Guamanian divorces:
Guam Divorce Law | Pacific Lawyers
Hawaii chimes in:
Portugal (ALLEGEDLY) allows a married couple to file an electronic request for no-fault collaborative divorce in a non judiciary administrative entity. In specific cases, with no children, real property, alimony, or common address, can be completed within one hour.
I wish those who seek their freedom via the divorce process a very happy ending.