Not hired over "Criminal Background"

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On Sept,16 2008 I applied for a job with a very large and popular grocery store in California. I met with the District manager and was told that I had the job based on my expierience and from a referral from a current employee. The DM said that as long as my background came back okay, on the application it said not to disclose any Marijuana convictions over 2 years old. I did have a misdeameanor marijuana conviction from 2004 so I did not put that on my application. Several weeks later I received a letter stating I was unsuitable for hire. After reaching the HR Specialist I was told I was disqualified for not disclosing the Marijuana conviction, and that for future reference I should disclose this conviction to any future employers. Are they legally able to disqulify me for this conviction even if California states that I dont have to disclose it? Do I have a case to file a lawsuit? if not is there anyone I should report this to?
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