Nursing Home/Rehabilition Center Hipaa Violation??

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I'm a 37 yr old woman currently living in a nursing home/ Rehabilition Center. A member of the security disclosed my job information to another resident who confronted me. Since my stroke I've been unable to speak clearly so nobody can understand me. I told the supervisor that I wanted to file a police report she said no need for that they would investigate it. I was told a few days later nothing could be done that it was here say. I thought only nurses were suppose to know so either this security guard went through my files or someone else that works here told him. Please help me in what I should do because I feel like they are trying to cover their butts. Also this patient has left and now having a hard time to come visit me it's one excuse after another. Now he can come visit but only once a week for 30 mins and it has to be supervised. I'm a grown woman with 2 kids and I feel these people are trying to control me. I'm not like most of the other patients here I can't walk or speak clearly but fully capable of taking care of myself I'm here for therapy that's it.
I don't think it was actual work (job) info but HIV info per OP's 2nd post.
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