Parole, Probation NY Probation, Ok to Work in NJ?

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If all goes well, I will begin serving my 5 year probation sentence for Felony Insurance Fraud in a few weeks. I was originally supposed to begin my probabtion back in April, but the judge denied the probation because I was on unemployment and she wanted me to have a job so I can pay back my restitution. So, I got a real crappy job paying crap money as fast as I could just so I could at least say I am working at my next court date....believe me, I tried getting better jobs, but it's not easy out there as we all know. I jumped on the first one that said yes.

Anyways, my question is this. A few people are working on getting me a job, but they are all jobs based out of NJ. I live in NYC and will be serving probation here. I cannot afford to live on the money I am making currently for much longer, so if a job in NJ is offered I have to take it. Is this going to be an issue, because if it is I fully intend on telling them to just let me serve my time in prison because it's not them that has to struggle just to survive. The job in NJ that I am likely to get pays about 3-4 times the amount I currently make. Please tell me this will not be an issue.

In this day and age with the technology police have to find people, I cannot see why this should be an issue. It's not like I am running away anywhere, rather driving 10 miles to work at a respectable job.

I know I sound negative, but the system is really getting me down!
It's up to your probation officer and ultimately your Judge. . .

I think you'll be OK. So many people live in NJ and work in NYC/NY and vice versa I'm sure there are instances where it is allowed.

Good Luck.
I hope so, thanks for the replies. I do intend on speaking to my probation officer first before making any decisions, but if they say no it's not like they are going to find me a job paying enough money for me to survive. I just hope I do not have to resort to sneaking around the system, because I know it will catch up with me eventually.
Typically they just require documentation and a copy of your work schedule so that they know when and where you are when you're working. Unless you give them reason to not allow it, they typically are willing to let you travel for work.

Just make sure you are up front with them about it and you should be OK. Sometimes they wont even let you do the "I'll finish my sentence in prison" because they see it as a way out of the system, and unfortunately they want you on the papers instead. So hopefully they let you work where you can get it.

Good luck!
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