NY State Social Services laws

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Is there a NY State law that states that a person cannot allow someone else to put their money in their bank account?

A friend of mine, was unable to get their own bank account, and my other friend who is on Social Services allowed them to put their money in their account so that it would be in a safe place. None of that money was theirs.

A question came up from Social Services and it was clearly explained that this money was not the person's who was on Social Services. A letter was even sent to them and everything was resolved. They didnt think it was problem. So they thought.

About 4 months later, the person got a letter from Social Services stating that they were being investigated. They called them up to find out why and they said it was because of the bank account. Is there any law that says a person is now allowed to put money in someone else's account if they agree to it? And are there any laws with Social Services where this is the case?

I cannot find any information and everyone I speak to tells me that there are no laws like this.

Aside from these questions, are their any sources that would provide legal documentation that would prove this?

Thank you very much for your help.
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I doubt that there is a law preventing people from sharing a bank account; however, that doesn't mean that Social Services is not entitled to investigate the situation.

From their viewpoint, the holder of the account owns whatever money is in the account. So, if the recipient of Social Services has more assets than they claim, they will be investigated.

BTW, the practice of sharing a bank account with only one name on it is very risky for the friend without his name on it. Legally, how can he prove the money belongs to him when it has been deposited into another's account?
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