NYC salary history ban

New York
Folks - NYC has a law where potential employers aren't allowed to ask for salary information from candidates. However, is there any law that prevents them from reaching out to your past employer (possibly when you are still employed there) to verify salary information? Would most employers hand over that info? Thanks

NYC has a law where potential employers aren't allowed to ask for salary information from candidates. However, is there any law that prevents them from reaching out to your past employer (possibly when you are still employed there) to verify salary information?

Your link cited section 194-a of the New York Labor Law. Did you read it? It says, "No employer shall:

a. rely on the wage or salary history of an applicant in determining
whether to offer employment to such individual or in determining the
wages or salary for such individual.

b. orally or in writing seek, request, or require the wage or salary
history from an applicant or current employee as a condition to be
interviewed, or as a condition of continuing to be considered for an
offer of employment, or as a condition of employment or promotion.

c. orally or in writing seek, request, or require the wage or salary
history of an applicant or current employee from a current or former
employer, current or former employee, or agent of the applicant or
current employee's current or former employer, except as provided in
subdivision three of this section."

And several other things.

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