How many drugs have class action lawsuits that went thru full FDA study? So... We really don't know if this vaccine is safe.
What you type is true.
There could be the loss of one's employment, if you don't get the jabs.
However, as my father was fond of saying (God rest his precious soul), "I was looking for a job when I found this one. I'll find another job if I lose the one I have."
If you lose your life, everything is over.
So, we take calculated risks.
I waited for a month after the jabs began to get my first jab, and I'm an osteopathic physician and an attorney.
The MRNA vaccines available appeared to be safe for use on MOST humans.
Months later I've had THREE Pfizer jabs, and I'll probably obtain a Moderna jab.
I'm not ready to die.
I'm not afraid of death, proved that to myself after four tours in Nam, my first one as a dumb (although eager) 18 year old kid.
Bottom line, no jab squad is going to invade your home and jab you.
An American citizen can still say NO jab for me.
The medically animated Cadaver in Chief might talk trash about those reluctant to get the jabs, but even the all powerful Cadaver Behind the White Curtain doesn't have the power to "sic" a STABnJAB Hit Squad on you.
Americans have always disagreed.
We often disagree with our relatives, but we don't stop loving each other.
Some of our disagreements were filled with name calling and accusations.
One such disagreement ended in our Civil War.
Over time, recriminations, accusations will cease, and we'll all be more amicable towards each other.
That is what FREE people do, disagree.
When the Chinese virus has disappeared, this will still be the USA.
This is a nation whose military uniform I proudly wore for 32 years.
I waged her battles, I fought her fights, despite my dislike for the president my fellow citizens elected.
I made my decision.
You are free to make yours.
I support your right to make choices solely for yourself.
You, as did I, showed up when your country needed you.
Millions of people still talking trash, because you, I and millions of others stood up, recited the oath, and dutifully fought our nation's battles.
Simply put, you and I defended our freedoms.
We weren't me spectators, mate, we earned our participation accolades.
My friend, that is the essence of the USA, that is freedom.
Choose wisely, because YOU alone are FREE to decide what works best for you.