Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Off campus R/A finds paraphinalia.

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OK. first off iam a 21 year old student that has 3 roomates. heres the problem. While we was gone home for the weekend from school, we come back to find a note from a guy who is "helping the Resident advisor" while she is having surgery. They had went through our dresser draws and found a pipe of my friends that had been used. But my question is how can they come in and go through our stuff when we not home and never signed or gave permisson to anyone. :mad: oh yeah we live in off campus apartments that we do rent through school.
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they cannot.

While it depends on what the lease says and in what state you are, the landlord or his managers may have a right to enter the apartment, they never have a right to open your drawers and go through your things (unless that right would be given to them in the lease, which no normal person would do).
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