On FMLA leave,can "on call"time and # of cases performed be required to be "made up"?

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New Member
I am on my 5th week of FMLA. I work in a hospital OR running a very specific piece of equipment used in Open Heart Surgery. My boss started a "productivity matrix"(ironic since we do not produce anything). Upon my return from FMLA, he is expecting me to makeup all the operating room cases & call days I missed. On average our group has 3-7cases a week & 14 call positions a week. As a general rule,if you are on 1st call, work begins in the afternoon and you cover till 7am for emergencies

I am scheduled call almost every day when I return(ok).I will also be required to perform cases at 6:30am and multiple cases a day to "catch up". As an example, co worker's father passed away, and upon his return while taking first call, he performed 3 Open Heart cases within a 24 hour period while others where not working. This is a patient safety issue.

My boss sends harassing emails with my negative #'s and gloats to coworkers about the amount of work I have to make up. To make this worse,the makeup period is as soon as possible and not over a period of time and he is the only boss I have had(17years experience) who does not work cases as well.

He has created a very hostile work environment. Is this legal? What are my options?
You should discuss this with HR.
His actions could be considered retaliatory and punitive.
You potentially have some legal options.
But, if you want to keep your job and pay your bills, dismiss the thought of a lawsuit.
You could prevail.
It could take years.
Do not discuss this with him.
It will not end well for you, if you do.
HR will address your concerns.
Provide your proof.
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