OPINION: Dick Morris says, Harris' Poor Choices Will Cause Her Campaign to Lose

army judge

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Harris says that federal law requires taxpayer funding of medical care for incarcerated inmates, even for those found guilty of serious felonies and that she will "follow the law."

Trump replies that he opposes funding for gender change "transitioning." And so does the vast majority of the country.

Asked if transgender Americans should have access to gender-affirming healthcare (which means gender change surgery), Harris responded, "I believe we should follow the law."

Harris may be reluctant to articulate a firm position on the issue, Trump has no such inhibitions, blasting Harris and using the question to point out how far left Harris really is.

How can she possibly think that subsidizing sex change therapy for inmates could possibly be a winning proposition for her?

While Harris is entering the quicksand over the issue of gender change treatment, Trump has called for federal tax deductions for expenses relating to care for ailing elderly relatives.

For too long, caregivers have faced the necessity of paying for costly (and usually uncovered) nursing homecare for parents.

Homecare for the elderly is almost always less expensive, but without making it tax deductible, taxpayers can't afford it and often put their parents on Medicaid and in nursing homes.

So here in the last week of the campaign, Harris is pushing public funding for gender change for incarcerated felons while Trump is seeking tax relief for adult children of elderly parents.

Which endgame is the more politically attractive and viable for our nation?

Dick Morris is a long time political commentator who past record of predictions isn't all that great. As a result I've long since written off his predictions. He has a 50% chance to get it right, as do all the other prognositicators out there. They each spout different reasons for their predictions and of course they can't all be right.

With just a week to go most voters are unlikely to be moved much in their choice unless one of the candidates seriously screws up and says or does something really shocking or stupid that puts their campaign into a tail spin. Indeed, with early voting in a number of states, a lot of people have already locked in their choices.

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