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What can be done when a neighbor files a complaint with your supervisor, but fills a sworn statement full of lies just to try and make you look bad. I feel this borders on actual malice,character assaination\defamation at the work place. How could it be proven on a he said \she said ,type deal.
What, exactly, do you want to happen here?
As a matter of fact she went to my supervisors and an ivestigation was started. She was interviewed and a court reporter was present and her statement was sworn. This being said, she stated things that just were not true. It is not criminal in nature, its administrative, but I feel by intentionally lying under oath, with the intent to make me look bad I believe is defamation. Any and all advise/comments on how to handle this would be grately appreciated. Thanks.
Damages, could be suspension with loss of pay, and reputation damage at place of employment. Basically I would like to know if and all recourse that can be taken.
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