order to dismiss foreign support

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Just got this in mail from district court. Order to Dismiss Registration of Foreign Support Order.
I have had a foriegn support order for child support for quite a few years here in Nebraska from Colorado. Also way behind in support payments. This seems to say that that the court reacords are cleared of all arrearages because Fremont county Colorado has requested Nebraska close their registration case.
OK what does this mean??????
Arrearages rarely go away.
Most times it means she/he or the gubmint is coming after you in your home state, or they'll be coming after you to incarcerate you for non-payment.

It can often times mean bad news for you.
also forgot to mention in the same envelope I got a letter that I could get my drivers license reinstated now, Kinda weird if they are coming after me I have been paying 50 percent of my wages for years but that doesnt amount to nearly what i owe per month
Here is the last paragraph of the order

The Court, being fully advised in the premises, finds the motion should be granted. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the
Registration of the Colorado Decree of Dissolution of Marriage is hereby dismissed without prejudice and all the arrearages in the above captionsed case are cleared in the court records.
thank you for answers, must say the I like Army Judges better. Just wondering why. Knowing my Ex as well as I do there must be something in the wind. Possibly she has to do this before her husband now can adopt the 3 youngest children ages
Oh, I'm sure you liked the other answer better lol.

AJ responded before you added the other information. If he had read the further info, I'm pretty sure his answer would be along the same lines as mine.

The words "dismissed without prejudice" means that the matter can be brought before the court again. In other words - you're not out of the woods yet.
Fancy that, Proserpina, fancy that.
OP's nightmare is over for now.
Will the other shoe drop?
You never know.
I would say the chances would correlate directly to the number teacups spinning at the local fairground when there's a full moon and Mercury is retrograde :D

Or, knowing how bitter exes can be...I'd say there's a fair chance that Mom is rethinking the entire situation to see which option would leave her better off financially.

Not that I'm cynical or anything ;)
Sigh, yes we see and read about that several times a day.

At what point does one cut their losses?


I wouldn't wanna ever live like that.

I would say the chances would correlate directly to the number teacups spinning at the local fairground when there's a full moon and Mercury is retrograde :D

Or, knowing how bitter exes can be...I'd say there's a fair chance that Mom is rethinking the entire situation to see which option would leave her better off financially.

Not that I'm cynical or anything ;)
ok you leagal eagles ponder this; Could it be that her husband now wants to adopt the youngest, 3 ages 10,11 and 15, the other two are 20 and in college. By dropping this Child support case is a way to bribe me to turn over the kids ?????
ok you leagal eagles ponder this; Could it be that her husband now wants to adopt the youngest, 3 ages 10,11 and 15, the other two are 20 and in college. By dropping this Child support case is a way to bribe me to turn over the kids ?????

I doubt it.

But, if it is, why not agree?

Good luck.
probaly would turn them over at this point but also have to think about grand parental rights if there is such a thing

There are no such thing as Grandparents Rights. Grandparents have no inherent rights to their grandchildren. Grandparents only rights are to POTENTIALLY sue for visitation. There are a lot of factors involved in order to sue for grandparent visitation. Check out the state statutes where the children reside. Most states do have clauses where a stepparent adoption gives the "former" grandparents standing to sue. It still does not mean that they'd win such a suit.
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