Order to Show Cause Granted. What can i do now?

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My wifes lawyer hit me up with an order to show cause for Pendente Lite Relief.
We had gone to see the judge but my wife didnt serve me properly at that time so we never saw the judge.
We had a new appearance before the judge to be on august 22nd. I thought at that time we were to discuss everything.
Well, today i received papers from the judge granting her order.
My question is, what can i do right now to stop this.
Everything they say on it is wrong and i really thought we were going to discusss it when we saw the judge.....
Hire a lawyer to straighten this out. By not responding to the showing of cause she got her order by default so to speak.
I can not afford a lawyer.....
I don't know any of the details so this is a difficult case to discuss with you.

1. Speak to the court clerk and find out what the process is for filing what you need to file in order to object. Right now there is a ruling - I am not sure what you can do and it would seem that the process will potentially be more difficult.

2. I'm not completely familiar with divorce proceedings but think that Pendente Lite Relief is supposed to be a temporary award for immediate needs. There is probably a process to deal with the award and prevent it's extension to permanent.

3. Be extremely prepared. Put together a list of everything that you feel is wrong/inaccurate and reasons why. Don't waste the judge's time if you wouldn't believe the reasons you are giving.

4. You may want to put together a brief - discuss the process with the court clerk.

I'm curious - how is your wife able to afford hiring an attorney?
I had my day in court, i was unaware that they would not let me discuss the ruling. the judge didnt want to hear anything i said, even the fact that one of my kids is living with me now and not with his mother. So the pendente lite relief was granted giving her child support for a child that is living with me !!!! The Judge was so nasty and did not want to hear a word i had to say. I dont understand why, i have never even met her before.....

anyway, i guess i will try and contact the clerk and ask what i can do at this point.

p.s. My hopefully soon to be ex can afford attorneys fee's because she is now living with her boyfriend who is a doctor....
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