Order To Show Cause

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Dude, these idiots are bullies.

If I were you, I'd ignore them.

Bullies take pleasure in hurting innocent people like you.

Just live your life and forget these thugs.

You'll be just fine.

These cowards like scaring people.

Be brave and bring out your inner hero and just move on.

Proserpina is a very nice woman.

She meant you no harm.

I think you misread her posts.

I'm shocked that someone like you who's been in the jungles of Cambodia and Laos would tell the OP to ignore gang members who are stalking him! That would be as ignorant as you ignoring the Communists who were shooting at you.
I'm shocked that someone like you who's been in the jungles of Cambodia and Laos would tell the OP to ignore gang members who are stalking him! That would be as ignorant as you ignoring the Communists who were shooting at you.

I still manage to ignore SOME ignorant people who aren't commies!!!!!
Hey Wiseman !

It's obvious that U R the only person who has been around and do not live a sheltered life. With all we see and hear on the news daily, I am amazed that some people can think that if you shut your eyes and ignore these type of people they will just magically disappear. The cases of women stalked & battered and cops doing nothing, until the woman defends herself, at which point they arrest and charge her and send her to prison for protecting herself when the law would not. Many a women are incarcerated for these actions when they should be helped.... Truly a crazy society. For those who do not know, the FBI & there protection program are for those who can testify to organize crime of federal nature, not for those being stalked, harassed, slandered, and assaulted. These case are for the local police who have jurisdiction.

I agree with Wiseman, I do believe I can sue for damages and get a permanent injunction. Thanks for setting the record straight and for your understanding.
Hey Wiseman !

It's obvious that U R the only person who has been around and do not live a sheltered life. With all we see and hear on the news daily, I am amazed that some people can think that if you shut your eyes and ignore these type of people they will just magically disappear. The cases of women stalked & battered and cops doing nothing, until the woman defends herself, at which point they arrest and charge her and send her to prison for protecting herself when the law would not. Many a women are incarcerated for these actions when they should be helped.... Truly a crazy society. For those who do not know, the FBI & there protection program are for those who can testify to organize crime of federal nature, not for those being stalked, harassed, slandered, and assaulted. These case are for the local police who have jurisdiction.

I agree with Wiseman, I do believe I can sue for damages and get a permanent injunction. Thanks for setting the record straight and for your understanding.

Thanks for your post gerronamo! I'm here to help.

Yes...it is sad that you have to experience these things with a society that has its head buried deep into the sand. It doesn't help either when there are so many with a total lack of common sense which would go very far in addressing matters such as mental illness.

When there is a fire, the firemen put it out ASAP. When there is a crazy person or crazy persons on the street who are dangers to themselves and/or others, they should be taken off the streets ASAP with the same urgency as putting out a fire.

Like you, I am shocked at the responses you got from this forum and I wish you well.
I for one hope, wish and pray for the day when all of the crazies who are dangerous to others are removed from society.

Oh yes.
Isn't it odd, Proserpina, how one nutcase will amen and second the delusions of another?

Let me tell you what would be odd. It would be odd if the moderators of this forum don't ban you for this disgusting post you made! I reported the post, so lets see if bias and hypocrisy prevails or if the moderators do the right thing in view of your post in which you refer Gerronamo and myself as nutcases having delusions.
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