Outdated HOA CCR's

Just to add to this: Still, a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.

Breaking out some old school from my "middle years" in Nam, we have some Simon & Garfunkel from their fifth studio album, Bridge over Troubled Water (1970) [which was their best album, BTW].

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I "memember" the song.
Am I defecting? Or are you just being overly rude, and answering a legal question when you are not in fact a lawyer. Sounds like my question triggered something in you.

so no, I'm not deflecting, was asking, since you are handing out legal opinion, if you were indeed a lawyer. It turns out you are not.

When I found this forum, I thought, obviously incorrectly, that it was for actual legal advice/opinion/direction by people who actually were lawyers. I'd even have been open if an actual lawyer had said "this advice costs, call my office". I was just looking for options.

See, I figured quickly on that either you weren't a lawyer or you weren't a very good one. you ignored the CCR statement in total and focused on just being arrogant and appearing to be all knowledgeable in your response.

Typical shoot the messenger response by someone who can't accept someone else's opinion if it's not what they want to see.

If you want "actual legal advice/opinion/direction by people who actually were lawyers" there are plenty of lawyers out there that you can pay to assist you.
When I found this forum, I thought, obviously incorrectly, that it was for actual legal advice/opinion/direction by people who actually were lawyers.

Did you actually miss the legal disclaimer on the bottom of each and every page of this forum? If you pay so little attention to detail, then an FFL really ought not be given to you no matter what the status is of your location.
Alexis Carrington-Colby (Joan Collins - swoon.)

She was actually a solid actress.
I've seen her work on TV and on the big screen.
She's 100 times better that those who call themselves actors today.
She was also a very savvy person about her finances, too.
When I found this forum, I thought, obviously incorrectly, that it was for actual legal advice/opinion/direction by people who actually were lawyers. I'd even have been open if an actual lawyer had said "this advice costs, call my office". I was just looking for options.
The vast majority of attorneys are not going to be aware of the inner workings of how the ATF issues federal firearms licenses. Even many Second Amendment attorneys do not know. FFL's are very well aware because they have to incorporate ATF's inner workings into their business practices for CYA. Two FFL's have responded to you, and both of us have said it's not happening.

You have been given two options: work to get the CCR's changed, or rent space for your licensed premises where having an FFL does not violate zoning, town ordinances, HOA CCR's, etc.

Personally I would try the former, especially as many people have started their own side businesses over the past year in order to make ends meet. Find out who in your community is quietly working a side hustle from home - think Scentsy, Magic Chef, in-home day care, sole proprietor professionals - and encourage them to work with you on this.

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