Overcharged for Maintence Issue

You are welcome.
Hopefully you and others will become more aware and less prone to the unnecessary rude comments you make and it will not be necessary to point them out to you and to apologize to others on your behalf.
I understand that you believe that my comment was rude and/or unnecessary. In order to avoiding prolonging this hijacking of the OP's thread, I'll cease responding.
You did not simply point it out. You made a rude statement. You could have stated it as simply as you just did without the attitude attached.
Words don't have a tone. The "attitude" is self-perceived by the person reading it.

With that said... Ms. Anderson should take a look at her Section 8 contract (rules). Likely she will find verbiage in there regarding her responsibility for the home/apartment and any damage done to it by herself, her children, and her guests (whatever the age). If someone damages the LL property she is responsible. If she doesn't pay she may be removed from the program.
The LL may file a complaint with Sec. 8. It would behoove Ms. Anderson to recall she not only has a lease agreement but also a Sec. 8 agreement. ;)

Hopefully my ^ posting wasn't too "snotty" for Ms. Anderson's delicate sensibilities.

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