Overpayments and SSA Negligent Failure


New Member
My friend did report several times the removal of child to SSA Office but they continued to pay the benefits that she used to take good care of child and pay for child's necessities and rent while child was still under custody/supervision of DSS. Child is reunified but OIG filed criminal charges against friend alleging the friend failed to report child was in custody of DSS.

In fact, there are records of report to SSA Office. And the filed court papers by OIG clearly demonstrate that there was Negligent Failure from the SSA Office that did not stop the payments after the reports of my friend.


1) Why OIG filed criminal charges against my friend when there was Negligent Failure from SSA Office to stop payments or heed reports of my friend?
2) Are there any cases of Negligent Failure from SSA Office which led court to drop charges against accused person?
3) Should the criminal charges hold when my friend did spend the money for child's necessities and rent for them to have a place to live?

Your ideas about how to fight SSA Office Negligent Failure in this case would be appreciated.
She needs a lawyer. She needs to plead not guilty. She needs to provide proof of notification. She needs to provide proof she used the money for childs benefit.

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