overprotective grandfather and 15 year old pregnancy

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I didn't say that the Mom loses custody she shares it. What I said is that she is a minor. She doesn't have say so over her own life and my instinct says she doesn't have say so over the child she has either.
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I didn't say that the Mom loses custody she shares it. What I said is that she is a minor. She doesn't have say so over her own life and my instinct says she doesn't have say so over the child she has either. Don't be a jerk. I said I could be wrong. I can assure you that I have forgotten more about child custody and juvenile law than you will ever know. I just finished a 30 page brief on the way to the GA Appeals Court on a juvenile issue. How many of those have you done? Discuss, don't be condescending.

Why are you so nasty? I wasn't being a jerk...I am trying to understand how an attorney could state what you did. I am confused by the reasoning behind your assertions. Hence the :confused: icon.

When a minor has a child, a social worker visits with her and her parent/guardians to determine if the minor is capable of making "good" choices for the child and if the home situation is stable. Parenting courses are often required. But that minor became medically emancipated when she got pregers. That allows her to make ALL of the MEDICAL decisions for herself and ALL decisions for the baby. Her parents/guardians STILL get to call all shots (except medical) for THEIR child...But not her baby.

Family Law 101. :)
I removed it because I was wrong to be, as you put it, nasty. I felt, wrongly that you were. I need to calm down.

My thought process is simply a hunch. A child who is subject to the custody of her grand parents and doesn't have say so over herself, can't have custody and full say so over a child. You disagree?
I removed it because I was wrong to be, as you put it, nasty. I felt, wrongly that you were. I need to calm down.

My thought process is simply a hunch. A child who is subject to the custody of her grand parents and doesn't have say so over herself, can't have custody and full say so over a child. You disagree?

I totally disagree. Until a court takes away her CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to solely and without unwanted interference, parent her child...GP has no say at all. (And damn, but I'm starting to sound like the kellytroll :o)

Only parents have inherent rights to their child. Google Troxel.
I bow to your superior knowledge on the matter. I will do the research. Thank you for the correction.
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