owner fianced home with clear title, buyer now 4 months behind

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In 2007 i was selling my home, which had a clear title. family member talked me in to selling it to a friend. No moneies down, with agreement to fix disclosed problems instead of a down payment.And agreed on the monthly amount. we have had many issues with them since allowing them to purchase the home. Always with the payments. We have attempted to contact them via phone, they didnt'acknowledge our calls. We have written letters, which they refuse, and even informed us they did not have to provide contact information to us. At that point i went to my home to try and talk to them, they called the police and had me removed from the property. Do i as a seller not have any rights? They are now 5 months behind on the payments, must i continue to let them live there for free? What are my rights?
I have no idea what transpired or why the owner may have title to the home without security. If you've sold the home and the purchaser has title, it's no longer your home. They can remove you from the premises since the buyer owns the real estate. If you have a security interest, you must foreclose on the home if the payments were not made. But I'm not even sure how you arranged for this residential real estate sale. You may need to speak to a real estate attorney since you'll need a proper legal consultation to review your agreement. Most real estate attorneys can provide you with the information you need, whether they deal with commercial or residential real estate. However, you will need to bring all your paperwork including your contract of sale, which I hope you have in addition to what seems to be an informal arrangement.
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