owner of property

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I have a county sewer line on my property. Now the city wants to add a city sewer line 20 ft from the county's. The county line is on the creek and it is being exposed by rain runoff. I just received a letter from city attorney that states I have 6 days to sign an easement. I want to know if 2 sewer lines on an acre of property devalues it and if so how much. My property today is worth approx. $112,000.
I have a county sewer line on my property. Now the city wants to add a city sewer line 20 ft from the county's. The county line is on the creek and it is being exposed by rain runoff. I just received a letter from city attorney that states I have 6 days to sign an easement. I want to know if 2 sewer lines on an acre of property devalues it and if so how much. My property today is worth approx. $112,000.

I suggest you speak with a real estate appraiser, a real estate agent, and a lawyer.
You don't have to sign or agree to anything.
If you don't agree, they'll have to convince a judge to order eminent domain.
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