Parent being contacted/harrassed for kids bills

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My daughter is in debt (does not live with me) and I've been used as a personal reference for phone, loans, utilities etc. Now, third party debt collectors. I'm getting many calls a day (13-16), although I am not cosigner on any of these. I've not answered these calls and have sent her a letter about it. Her phone is off. I'm not giving collectors her employment (although they probably alreadly know. - or her email address - she can ignore their emails just as she does mine)

Can I tell these folks to remove my number from their records and stop calling me? Or what? How can I protect myself?
Thank you,
My daughter is in debt (does not live with me) and I've been used as a personal reference for phone, loans, utilities etc. Now, third party debt collectors. I'm getting many calls a day (13-16), although I am not cosigner on any of these. I've not answered these calls and have sent her a letter about it. Her phone is off. I'm not giving collectors her employment (although they probably alreadly know. - or her email address - she can ignore their emails just as she does mine)

Can I tell these folks to remove my number from their records and stop calling me? Or what? How can I protect myself?
Thank you,

Answer the calls and tell them she does not live there and you do not know who she is, tell they must have the wrong #. They are not doing anything wrong since your # is on her applications.When she was establishing these accounts did any of them call you then to confirm you as a reference. Does'nt matter just tell them you dont know who that is and to stop calling....It may help stop most of the calls. You could also get your daughter to make contact with them and try and work something out. Good luck I know how aggravating it can be. Worst comes to worst change your #.
No matter what you tell them the calls will continue to come. Your simplest solution, if it is not too inconvenient to you, is to change your number.
The collection agencies are making a legitimate effort to collect on a debt. They are not doing anything wrong... however if you are receiving all these calls every day from the SAME person or company then that is easily a harassment issue that needs to be addressed.
Tell them to remove your number as contact number or you'll take action against them since this is not your debt. Mention contacting to States Attorney's office.

Report any problems you have with a debt collector to your state Attorney General's office ( and the Federal Trade Commission (

I had one agency literally harress me several years ago over a relatives bill and I got them shut down.
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