Parents of a teen mom

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I have a major problem. We are the parents of a teenage mother, 15. The boyfriend who has caused nothing but major problems for the last 2 years is 16 and believes that he can come over anytime he wants. We have tried and tried to establish rules but both are bound and determined to not abide by our rules. We know whe have the legal right to keep him off of our property. our daughter keeps threatining us by saying that he can come get her any time he wants. We have also determined that it is best that she does not continue her normal high school education and stay home to raise the baby. We do not want her going back to the high school mode of friends and parties and pushing motherhood aside. We want her home raising the baby. She can get her ged and still go to practicly any college in a few years after the critical bonding years of a mother and a child. Her answer to that is that she will let the boyfriends mom take care of the baby while she goes back to his school and that there is nothing we can do about it. It is not a good environment for a newborn who is only 3 weeks old although we can not legally prove it. But, foul language, smoking of tobacco and other curicular activities, none of which are legal but can not be proven go on over there and we know its a better choice for her to stay in our home with the baby. So our questions are as follow:
1. What rights does the teenage mother have as far as say so of when the boyfriend can have the baby? Or, can we as the grandparents who are still responsible for the teenager enforce a visitation policy with structered times?
2. Can we legally force our daghter to quit high school and make her go to an alternative route as far as homeschooling or ged?
3. Do we have the legal right to go to court and try to get custody of our grand daughter in order to make the right decisions for her considering that our daughter can not make proper choices for her due to the age and maturity level?

Thank you for your comments.
You have no rights to grandchild

I have a major problem. We are the parents of a teenage mother, 15. The boyfriend who has caused nothing but major problems for the last 2 years is 16 and believes that he can come over anytime he wants. We have tried and tried to establish rules but both are bound and determined to not abide by our rules. We know whe have the legal right to keep him off of our property. our daughter keeps threatining us by saying that he can come get her any time he wants. We have also determined that it is best that she does not continue her normal high school education and stay home to raise the baby. We do not want her going back to the high school mode of friends and parties and pushing motherhood aside. We want her home raising the baby. She can get her ged and still go to practicly any college in a few years after the critical bonding years of a mother and a child. Her answer to that is that she will let the boyfriends mom take care of the baby while she goes back to his school and that there is nothing we can do about it. It is not a good environment for a newborn who is only 3 weeks old although we can not legally prove it. But, foul language, smoking of tobacco and other curicular activities, none of which are legal but can not be proven go on over there and we know its a better choice for her to stay in our home with the baby. So our questions are as follow:
1. What rights does the teenage mother have as far as say so of when the boyfriend can have the baby? Or, can we as the grandparents who are still responsible for the teenager enforce a visitation policy with structered times?
2. Can we legally force our daghter to quit high school and make her go to an alternative route as far as homeschooling or ged?
3. Do we have the legal right to go to court and try to get custody of our grand daughter in order to make the right decisions for her considering that our daughter can not make proper choices for her due to the age and maturity level?

Thank you for your comments.

you have the right to dictate who your daughter sees-however you do not have the right to dictate who can be around your grandchild.nor do you have the right to dictate when dad can see HIS child. you have no rights to your daughter's child at all.and intefering with dad's parental rights can cause your daughter problems, including being stripped of custody. unless you can prove both parents unfit, you have no chance of getting custody, even then, the court, not you, dictates when and for how long the parents see THIER CHILD.
"You want BF to stay away? file rape charges against him"

Sorry but that is total nonsense. At the time of conception since their age difference was only a year extremely unlikely any crime occured.

Dad does have a right to see the baby but have they been to court to establish paternity and visitation? Getting pregnant at her age is a selfish and irresponsible act... She should be able to take online courses. I would absolutely not just let my daughter sit at home...I would make her take conline courses but you are the parents here. She is not emancipated. You can certainly to to court and try to get custody but honestly you cannot get custody over the father. If I were you I would get everyone together and have your daughter file for child support and establish a visitation schedule which should be in your home since the baby is 3 weeks old.

You have every right to tell your daughter she is going to finish online courses. You are still her mother.
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