Parking violation OMC 10.01.085 in Olathe

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Okay back from my meeting with the city prosecutor. I stated my case, she said that the officer put down the wrong citation code it should have been OMC 10.01.089.

10.01.089 Stall Parking. Where parking stalls or spaces are marked or designated on the pavement or curb, vehicles shall be parked or stopped within such stalls or spaces in the direction of the flow of traffic or at the angle indicated by the markings. (Ord. 01-89 § 2, 2001.)

So she change it and gave me a 6 months suspended ticket. So I have to be good until the middle of October. Not exactly what I thought would happen but its over. I can't thank you guys enough for all your help. I would have never known what to do if you guys hadn't responded to my post.
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You should not accept that either... I would still fight it.
You were in a private parking lot off the street. That code section should only apply to marked spaces on the street.

That said... if it is suspended, then just don't get any more tickets and it will go away anyway. SO long as you aren't having to pay anything and nothing goes on your record its all good... but still... that section wouldn't apply either since you were on private property.
Oh, I didn't know. This was my first ticket so hopefully I keep it that way.


You could have gotten it all dismissed by the court, but you did okay for your first time!

Now, stop being a one person crime wave in Kansas!!!!:D :)
Thanks, the city prosecutor was very nice. I will learn to keep my criminal behavior under control. I don't want to make the ten most wanted list for parking offenses.
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