Parole, Probation Parole in Colorado

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I have been on parole for over 2 1/2 years. My parole officer has lied to me accused me, shown up and hit my dog with her baton, used foul and degrading language in front of the twelve year old child that I was raising for a time. Then I got in trouble and was called a liar when I mentioned it a few months later to someone else. I am completely at the mercy of this woman who does not want me to succeed. I have been trying to transfer down to where my kids are in the southwest corner of colorado. I now am enrolled to take my next semester of classes in the college there in 12 days and have to be out of this rental home in Denver in 4 more days. I left a message with parole down there to see if I could get a time frame. My po hadn't even turned it in yet. Furthermore she reamed my butt for a good 5 or 6 minutes for calling there, even though I didn't even talk to anyone. She yelled at me for making plans when she said last time i saw her that it wasn't a for sure thing, yet I had to find housing before she could turn it in. She started to tell me what the repercussions of my actions would be and either hung up or we got disconnected. And she would not call me back though I left numerous messages. Now, my husband and I are in limbo. School, housing, 2 dogs. We can't sign a lease somewhere else, we may be leaving. I am not enrolled in classes here because I planned on being there. Or do I change everything around here? Then it goes through, I still would have to move there. Yet I don't have the right to know or find out anything!!! I AM SO TIRED OF THIS WOMAN! I have a 4.0 gpa in college, go to parenting, volunteer work. I have done everything I know to do to be a better person, more than the average non-felon does, and I live a life of nervouseness and fear constantly because I could be sent back to prison at any time on a technicality. Now, they making sure my schooling gets jacked up. If I am unable to move, I won't see my kids at all. I started a court case to get some custody and it was too hard on the kids so I dropped it. Now, I got nothin, but being there and going to their sporting events and parent-teacher deals. I just know she is going to do something to punish me for trying to find out how long it would take to find out. She hates me, I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. They are like a wolf pack down at the Englewood, Co parole office, I've experienced that. I am to the point of having her just revoke my parole so I can finish it in prison and be done with her. Than she can't screw up and foil my progress and plans. I feel like I am in a prison anyway, only here, I have to figure out how and where I will have a bed to sleep in. Is there any rights for parolees? Is there anything I can do? I just want to go home to my family and my church. I haven't done anything, can they deny it just because she has a control issue? I have always been afraid to complain because they won't believe me and it could get worse.
Sometimes it is better to say nothing, than to complain. You might prevail on a small issue and lose overall. For the moment, they hold you by your gonads.

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Doe you need their permission to move, or do you simply need to keep them informed of where you are?
It sounds like you might just need a clear understanding of the process involved and to follow it step by step. If you have everything lined up the way it is supposed to be then the PO won't have much to do.
Utilize your resources to learn the process and have it all ready to go before you approach the PO.

Yeah, I have done all of that. I have taken in my schedule and all information needed. She has known for three months in advance. It's just the games they play, I guess it makes them happy to make others miserable. I had always heard that they try to make you fail but never believed it if your doing what you need to do, but I have found out it's true. I just did a research paper on recidivism and found out that the problems I have been having are not isolated. She has control issues and does not want to help but to hinder me in being successful. It's become more and more obvious, I have kept my mouth shut, but I am so tempted to have her revoke me so I can have a hearing in front of the board with all of my accomplishments and plans, goals and dreams that I have struggled to pursue. There is nothing to this but that mean spirited power and control mentality and this time, I am in dire straights. We are going to be homeless in 3 days, If I don't find out soon, it is going to be too late to get changed back to college here and get the classes I need. I have basically agreed to a rental there because I had to in order for her to even put it in for transfer. If she is going to screw up my college program anyway and keep me from going where I need to be in order to maintain a relationship with my children, then my husband might as well sign a lease here and I'll go back to prison for a year and get my student loans on hold, because then I think I can pick it back up when I get out. It's ridiculous, but I am not going to let this woman be my downfall when I have only been working as hard as I can to do what I need to do to have a life. I have a feeling the parole board will laugh her out of the room. But then, I've seen how bad she and another PO there can look someone straight in the face and lie through their teeth, so who knows what she'll say. Their word is treated as gold and it isn't worth dirt. I have never been able to count on her to do anything she says and she changes each time I talk to her. ht\:no: At this point, I am done. I sold drugs 7 years ago and did my time for it. The worse she can do is send me back and that's on her, because I have had it. I am not a piece of shit anymore and I am tired of being talked to and played with and treated as such.
You should consider communicating with her in writing. If you do so then there can be no dispute over what was said and when it was said. If you distrust her that much then you should send letters by certified mail so you have proof of delivery.
That's a good idea. But, guess what? I got a call from her tonight and 2 messages on C-wise (the number we have to use to communicate with them) and she told 2 different stories, lied about what Cortez parole said about the address (I know this because the owner said parole had not contacted or came by today) and I am supposed to go in tomorrow, she said "so we can talk about this" on the phone and then the messages on C-wise said "to fill out paperwork", and that I better not leave the Denver Metro Area w/out her permission. Right, like I have ever done that. She is lying and she's up to something. I am making sure my husband goes with me and just getting everything ready for some B S revocation. It is going to completely screw up at least this if not the next two semesters of school. I'll forget my math and hopefully it isn't going to ruin my student loans and financial aid. She is going to to "teach me a lesson, pay me back," for making her mad about that message. I know she's going to have me arrested, and it's bullshit. They can throw a wrench in your life at any time no matter how good your doing and there is nothing I can do. I'm completely at her mercy. At least I will get a chance to tell it to the parole board and show them proof of all I have done and am trying to do. It's like the better you do, the madder it makes them. I am tired of defending and trying to justify myself to these people constantly and in vain. I just want to be done with it any way, but boy is it going to screw up all my progress and my life, my children my marriage. Arrest someone that's doing drugs and committing crime already! It seems that they get chance after chance. I don't know for sure, I just know that she is a sneaky, lying, miserable person who does not want me to succeed so I know that somethings up. Thnks for your response. I'll put something else in here tomorrow if I don't go back to prison.
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