Parole question?


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Parole questions

John Smith was released from prison more than 2 years ago after serving about 4 years for beating up his girlfriend in 2009. While he was in prison his girlfriend became my roommate and he moved in with us after he was released in 2013 even though he was not supposed to see her while on parole. He gave his parole officer a false address and got his friend at that address to lie to the PO saying that he was staying with her. He got off parole earlier this year but now his girlfriend is having problems with an ex-roommate and this ex-roommate is threatening to tell the authority that he has been staying with her and lying to his PO for 2 years. So I have 3 questions as follows :-
1. Can John Smith still get in trouble for his past parole violation even though he's already off parole ?
2. Can his girlfriend still get in trouble for having him here in violation of his parole ?
3. Can other people still get in trouble for lying to the PO for him ?
Thanks in advance for your help.

John Smith was released from prison more than 2 years ago after serving about 4 years for beating up his girlfriend in 2009. While he was in prison his girlfriend became my roommate and he moved in with us after he was released in 2013 even though he was not supposed to see her while on parole. He gave his parole officer a false address and got his friend at that address to lie to the PO saying that he was staying with her. He got off parole earlier this year but now his girlfriend is having problems with an ex-roommate and this ex-roommate is threatening to tell the authority that her boyfriend has been staying with her and lying to his PO for 2 years. So I have 3 questions as follows :-
1. Can John Smith still get in trouble for his past parole violation even though he's already off parole ?
2. Can his girlfriend get in trouble for having him here in violation of his parole ?
3. Can other people get in trouble for lying to the PO for him ?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Please don't post your question more than once.
Please don't create a new account in an attempt to evade posting the same question over and over!!!

I posted 2 or 3 days ago without signing up but couldn't tell if my post had gone through because I couldn't find it even though somebody else's post from this morning has already been published. So I created an account and tried again. This is the only account I have on this site and I'm not trying to deceive anyone. If my original post was published somewhere else on this site please give me a link or tell me where it is. Thanks.
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John Smith was released from prison more than 2 years ago after serving about 4 years for beating up his girlfriend in 2009. While he was in prison his girlfriend became my roommate and he moved in with us after he was released in 2013 even though he was not supposed to see her while on parole. He gave his parole officer a false address and got his friend at that address to lie to the PO saying that he was staying with her. He got off parole earlier this year but now his girlfriend is having problems with an ex-roommate and this ex-roommate is threatening to tell the authority that he has been staying with her and lying to his PO for 2 years. So I have 3 questions as follows :-
1. Can John Smith still get in trouble for his past parole violation even though he's already off parole ?

No one but the court and the parole authorities can answer that question with any precision.
I suggest if you desire a real answer, you ask both or one of those entities your question.

2. Can his girlfriend still get in trouble for having him here in violation of his parole ?

No one but the court and the parole authorities can answer that question with any precision.
I suggest if you desire a real answer, you ask both or one of those entities your question.

3. Can other people still get in trouble for lying to the PO for him ?
Thanks in advance for your help.

No one but the court and the parole authorities can answer that question with any precision.
I suggest if you desire a real answer, you ask both or one of those entities your question.
Please don't post your question more than once.
Please don't create a new account in an attempt to evade posting the same question over and over!!!

Now, all your questions are contained in one thread.
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